The dozens of classified ads under headings like Acompanhantes (Escorts), Casas de Massagem (Massage Parlors), Termas (Sauna houses), all code names for prostitution, show that there are plenty of women, and men for that matter, willing to make a buck on the meat market. On a recent Su...
calling to Brazil from USA 011 55 from most Countries 00 55 +55 -- --- --- ( I0 digits after the country code) Republica Federativa do Brasil Federatif Republic of Brazil divided in 26 States + Dist Fed (originally 20) Capital: Brasilia Discovered...
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calling to Brazil from USA 011 55 from most Countries 00 55 +55 -- --- --- ( I0 digits after the country code)Republica Federativa do Brasil Federatif Republic of Brazil divided in 26 States + Dist Fed (originally 20) Capital: Brasilia Discovered in 1500 by Pedro Alvarez Cabral 1815 ...
The final sequence obtained for the ZH1540 sample resulted in 99.38% coverage with respect to the TEN reference genome (BosniaA), a minimum coverage depth of 5× and a median depth of 33.6× (Table1and Fig.2a). Variant calling resulted in the identification of 123 SNPs, each of which wa...
Basecalling of raw FAST5 files and demultiplexing of barcodes were performed using the software Guppy v6.0.1 ( Consensus sequences were generated by a hybrid assembling approach implemented on Genome Detective ( ...
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When traveling to a hospital due to the presence of potential COVID-19 symptoms, wearing a face mask, using a personal vehicle, avoiding public transports and/or calling an ambulance were recommended by the Korean, US, and Chinese government’s guidelines. The UK and Haiti advised such ...
World Resources Institute, Washington, DC, 20002, USA Rafael Feltran-Barbieri Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, CB2 3EJ, UK Andrew Balmford Rio Conservation and Sustainability Science Centre, Department of Geography and the Environment, Pontifícia Universidade Católica, 22453900...
Now, 40–44 [Celsius] degrees of temperature – it’s too much, also from deforestation. In the afternoon, you’re no longer able to work.” Using development as justification for self-serving intervention could not be more classic, as Matopiba is framed as an underdeveloped region calling ...