The Egg pin in Brawl Stars allows players to use the Monster egg emoticon in the in-game chat to celebrate the Godzilla City Smash event within the game.
李多忘的游戏-荒野乱斗(Brawl Stars)画板,该画板属于花瓣网游戏相关类别的资源,其中共收集了852关于游戏-荒野乱斗(Brawl Stars)相关的图片素材资源,共被248人关注。花瓣网, 设计师寻找灵感的天堂!
10 1824 11 1920 Gadget: T-Bone Injector Level Heal 7 1600 8 1700 9 1800 10 1900 11 2000 Hypercharge Hypercharge Multiplier 35% Speed +25% Damage +5% Shield +25% Links Previous Brawler: Colt Next Brawler: Brock "Bull isn't as carefree as he was in his youth, but just because...
Links Previous Brawler: Spike Next Brawler: Leon "Crow trusts no one and keeps to himself. The most anyone knows about him is that he's often found at the diner, hanging out with Bull and Bibi."Crow is a Legendary Brawler that has low health, and a low damaging attack that poisons en...
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On the 11th, a Pin Pack, and on the 12th, 10 gems. All of these rewards are, of course, completely free and will not cost you a single cent, only requiring you to log in each day. This isn’t all the good Brawl Stars news though, as a new update changes up the design of ...
3+ 游戏内购买(包括随机道具) AutoBrawl is an adrenaline-pumping, fast-paced battle royale game that combines the thrill of high-speed racing with intense vehicular combat. ¥7.00+提供应用内购买 + 提供应用内购买 请参阅系统要求 你可以在 Xbox One 主机上购买。(你所在的地区不支持通过 microsoft....
英雄 表情 超稀有寶物之星機率 史詩寶物之星機率 美樂蒂 開心 0.013% 0.064% 難過 0.013% 0.064% 憤怒 0.013% 0.064% 德拉古 開心 0.013% 0.064% 難過 0.013% 0.064% 憤怒 0.013% 0.064% 莉莉 開心 0.013% 0.064% 難過 0.013% 0.064% 憤怒 0.013% 0.064% 貝瑞 開心 0.013% 0.064% 難過 0.013% 0.064% 憤...
英雄 表情 超稀有星妙惊喜几率 史诗星妙惊喜几率 麦乐迪 开心 0.013% 0.064% 难过 0.013% 0.064% 生气 0.013% 0.064% 德拉科 开心 0.013% 0.064% 难过 0.013% 0.064% 生气 0.013% 0.064% 莉莉 开心 0.013% 0.064% 难过 0.013% 0.064% 生气 0.013% 0.064% 拜瑞 开心 0.013% 0.064% 难过 0.013% 0.064% ...