enables better survivability while using his Super, and his Slowing Toxin Gadget also prevents enemies from chasing Crow or retreating from Crow's Super. This works best with close-ranged Brawlers, as they'll be poisoned and can't reach him to attack him due to Crow's relatively long range...
One way to deal that maximum damage is at point-blank range of the enemy where his attack and Popping Pincushion Gadget work best at that range. This makes him an excellent counter against close-ranged Brawlers like El Primo and Mortis who need to get close to Spike to damage him. Spike...
Gadget: Candy Beans Chester eats a mystery-flavored candy bean from his cap, gaining a random buff for 5 seconds. Speed Boost Damage Buff Heal over Time Star Power 1: BELL'O'MANIA Chester's attack has an extra step with 4 rattles Star Power 2: Sneak Peek Chester will always know what...
Gale:🌬️ A grumpy old man with a powerful wind gadget. Surge:🧬 A super-charged brawler who evolves during the match. Legendary (Rarity: Most Rare) Spike:🌵 A cactus-like brawler that deals with explosive attacks. Crow:☠️ A poison-wielding assassin with a fast movement speed....
Why brawl stars is the best game in existence Over the past 13 years of my life, I’ve been aging, and in that time I have seen amazing things. I have traveled the world, played hundreds of video games and done so much more. Even through all of this, I have never stumbled upon ...
Gadget gear gave Crow a bit too much control, so tuning some of it down Chuck Chuck doesn't have his Super Charged after respawning (so it prevents him from using his Super while still invincible). The train will be slightly delayed Shelly Decreased Super charge from Super 112 → 60 ANO...
Piper is an Epic Brawler who has the second lowest health of any Brawler but can deal very high damage to faraway targets. She fires a long-ranged bullet from her umbrella that deals more damage the further it travels. Her Super pops grenades at her feet
His first Gadget, Piggy Bank, drops a piggy bank that explodes after a delay, dealing area damage and knocking enemies back while also destroying obstacles. His second Gadget, Coin Shower, allows his next attack to fire 4 waves of coins. His first Star Power, Keep the Change, allows him ...