Brawler Star is the best Brawl Stars merch Store for all fans. We are #1 Brawl Stars Apparel & Collectibles (hoodies, t-shirts and more).
CROW(乌鸦)是一个擅长使用毒的角色,他的普攻和技能都能让目标受到持续伤害,属于慢速消耗性角色。普攻丢出三枚匕首对命中目标造成伤害,同时接下来时间内造成毒伤。大招对指定范围丢出大量匕首对范围内造成伤害和毒伤。 ▍№.2乌鸦的属性: ▍№.3加点推荐 主普攻,副技能,生命适当 ▍№.4组合推荐 最佳队友:面具男...
矿星之争Brawl Stars乌鸦攻略 CROW(乌鸦)是一个擅长使用毒的角色,他的普攻和技能都能让目标受到持续伤害,属于慢速消耗性角色。普攻丢出三枚匕首对命中目标造成伤害,同时接下来时间内造成毒伤。大招对指定范围丢出大量匕首对范围内造成伤害和毒伤。 【属性】 生命值Health:600 普攻Attack:60 技能Super:60 【加点】...
Join our 2 million users and find great-valued Brawl Stars Crow Accounts at PlayerAuctions! Safe and fast delivery.
Crow is highly vulnerable to assassins with high mobility, such as Mortis and Edgar, at close range without his Super or help from allies. In these scenarios, it's best to group with them. Attack them at a range, and when they get close, quickly group with a teammate with high damage...
Crow Brawl Stars T-pose by dodonndodon 3D Loading 3D model Model is too heavy for your device and can not be rendered properly Model Inspector 00:00.00 x0.1 x0.5 x1 x2
橙色:CROW、SPIKE。 在英豪的定位上除了有拿手进犯的远程和相对肉一些的近战。首要区别还在于英豪的终极技艺。 从技艺上既有丢手雷、召唤生物之类的进犯技艺,也有一些诸如召唤防护小炮之类的防护性技艺。 以至还有可以消弭草丛和墙壁这种改动地形的强力技艺。不难意料英豪池会越来越大,各式各样的英豪也会越来越多。
Pick off long-ranged Brawlers with low health like Brock, Dynamike, Tick, Colt, Nani, Bea, Barley, Crow, Piper, or Rico while juking shots. Bush-camping and surprising enemies also works well. However, don't get hit by dangerous Supers or Gadgets (i.e. Rico's, Colt‘s, Piper‘s,...
I love Supercell very much, I love Brawl stars very much. 😱💔 I've been in the test so far for a whole year, but the system has a BUG to steal my reward. 😢😫 Maybe I missed Crow really? I hope I can get the corresponding compensation~~~😄🤠 (Give me a crow, ...
CROW(乌鸦)是一个擅长使用毒的角色,他的普攻和技能都能让目标受到持续伤害,属于慢速消耗性角色。普攻丢出三枚匕首对命中目标造成伤害,同时接下来时间内造成毒伤。大招对指定范围丢出大量匕首对范围内造成伤害和毒伤。 综合来看乌鸦也是比较适合新手慢慢去消耗对方的英雄,躲在后面就好了,但是注意要丢准。