这个体系叫做“北约音标字母(NATO)”,也叫做“Military Alphabet”,军用字母表,都是用以对应字母开头的一个单词来指代这个字母。完整的26个军用字母表是:Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliett, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, ...
International Communications Alphabet
A: Alpha B: Bravo C: Charlie D: Delta E: Echo F: Foxtrot G: Golf H: Hotel I: India J...
is a spelling alphabet used by theICAO.NATO, and the International Telecommunication Union to ensure clear communication over radio and telephone lines. It assigns code words to the 26 letters of the English alphabet – Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, and...
NATO Phonetic Alphabet Letterphonetic letter AAlpha BBravo CCharlie DDelta EEcho FFoxtrot GGolf HHotel IIndia JJuliet KKilo LLima MMike NNovember OOscar PPapa QQuebec RRomeo SSierra TTango UUniform VVictor WWhiskey XX-ray YYankee ZZulu ...
Modern Military Phonetic Alphabet Military Letters = Code Word A = Alfa / Alpha B = Bravo C = Charlie D = Delta E = Echo F = Foxtrot G = Golf H = Hotel I = India J = Juliet K = Kilo L = Lima M = Mike N = November
18.Les autorités koweïtiennes ont averti la Mission de leur intention de retirer leurs forces aux points de passage de la frontièreBravo, Charlie et Delta et d'y reconstruire un talus et une tranchée. 18.科威特当局已预先通知伊科观察团他们打算撤离在布拉沃、查理和德尔塔过境点的部队,并在这...
It's basically the military words for the letters of the alphabet. This phonetic alphabet is used by many militaries and other organisations which communicate via radio to ensure that words are accurately communicated. The full phonetic alphabet is: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, ...
foxtrotabelabravocharlieechodelta Page1of2Formoregreatresourcesseehttp://.jamesabela.co.uk/Spoken-PhoneticAlphabetThisalphabetstartedinthemilitary,butisnowusedthroughouttheEnglishspeakingworldbypilotsandtele-operatorstoworkoutwhichletterisbeingsaidwhenyouaretalking.ForexampleifIwantedtosay,ADPTE,whichwouldbemuch...
这个体系叫做“北约音标字母(NATO)”,也叫做“Military Alphabet”,军用字母表,都是用以对应字母开头的一个单词来指代这个字母。完整的26个军用字母表是:Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliett, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango,...