1 Brave New World chapter 01 373 2023-11 2 Brave New World chapter 02 192 2023-11 3 Brave New World chapter 03 part 1 173 2023-11 4 Brave New World chapter 03 part 2 137 2023-11 5 Brave New World chapter 04 138 2023-11
Chapter Four 第四章 The lift was crowded with men from the Alpha Changing Rooms, and Lenina's entry wars greeted by many friendly nods and smiles. 电梯里满是从阿尔法换瓶间里来的人。列宁娜一进门就有好几个人向她点头微笑,打着招呼。 She was a popular girl and, at one time or another...
Brave New World是英国作家阿道司·赫胥黎创作的一部反乌托邦小说,中文译名为《美丽新世界》,云南人民出版社出版于2018年12月,从属于GUOMAI ENGLISH LIBRARY系列。 Brave New World,中文译名为《美丽新世界》,公元2532年是个科技高度发达的新世界:没有物质匮乏之忧虑
Chapter One第一章 A squat grey building of only thirty-four stories. 一幢灰白色的大楼,矮矮的,只有三十四层。Over the main entrance the words, central london hatchery and conditioning centre, and, in a shield, the World State's motto,community,identity,stability.门口大书:中央伦敦孵化与条件设置...
美丽新世界:BRAVE NEW WORLD(英文朗读版)的创作者 ··· 阿尔多斯·赫胥黎 作者 作者简介 ··· 阿道司·赫胥黎(Aldous Huxley,1894─1963),英国作家,共写作了50多部小说、诗歌、哲学著作和游记,尤以长篇小说《美丽新世界》影响深远,他的小说注重阐述思想观念甚于塑造艺术形象,常被称作"观念小说"。作为...
Brave New World--Chapter One A SQUAT grey building of only thirty-four stories. Over the main entrance the words, CENTRAL LONDON HATCHERY AND CONDITIONING CENTRE, and, in a shield, the World State's motto, COMMUNITY, IDENTITY, STABILITY. The enormous room on the ground floor faced towards ...
美丽新世界(Brave New World)是(英)阿道司·赫胥黎写的小说,小说美丽新世界(Brave New World)最新章节由创世中文网整理,推荐无弹窗阅读美丽新世界(Brave New World)全文
简介 Brave New World is a dystopian novel by English author Aldous Huxley, written in 1931 and published in 1932. Largely set in a futuristic World State, inhabited b...展开短评 打开App写短评 阿寧2011-03-23 12:02:55 这书基本上就是在质问读者的道德观,但为什么讨论到人类对于神的信仰时又以...
chapter 1 【原味En】Brave New World _ Chapter 1-psmAI6tTKeochapter 2 【原味En】Brave New World _ Chapter 2 _Conditioning Children-w5ipdUsfdpschapter 3 【原味En】Brave New World _ Chapter 3-hRncFvoTiKcchapter 4 【原味En】Brave New World _ Chapter 4-9RBNz-nAQU8chapter 5 【原味En】...
Chapter 1: Over-Population本篇单词统计:GRE 词汇共 129 个托福词汇共 200 个英语专八词汇共 39 个英语专四共 223 个六级词汇共 147 个四级词汇共 249 个所有标注词汇共 440 个Chapter 1Over-PopulationIn 1931, when Brave New World was beingwritten, I was convinced that there was stillplenty of ...