11.Overhead, a chandelier sprouted from the rough plaster, its brass branches leafed with shards of cut crystal. 12.Kyle couldn’t move closer to examine the screen, because the area fifteen feet in front of it had been fenced off with a series of brass poles and velvet ropes. ...
Update:I'm often asked about the thickness, type, and source of brass I used for these journals. I am very lucky to have a local place,Metal Source, were I buy most of my supplies. I used 22 ga. (.025") brass and any alloy will do. In a pinch you can buy brass door kick p...
hehadtoadmit. Standingoverfifteenimperialfeettall,withaprotecteddriver’sseatandrazor-sharp chaintusks,itwasperfectforcrashingthroughthecenterofanenemy’sbattleline, especiallywhencombinedwithothermechaniphantsinathunderouscharge. Juliusshookhisheadtoclearhiswanderingmindandstudiedhisworkinthe lightfromthegas...