Phrases similar to "the brass" with translations into Spanish and the same to you with brass knobs on igualmente the brass section los metales Add example Translations of "the brass" into Spanish in sentences, translation memory DeclensionStem ...
More Words with Remarkable Origins Terroir, Oenophile, & Magnum: Ten Words About Wine 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments 9 Superb Owl Words 15 Words That Used to Mean Something Different Games & Quizzes See All
2025 The mix of vulnerability and boldness came through in full force in this performance, which included some audible jitters but also expressive moments where Wang’s milky legato meshed with the attentive, even tender, playing of the lower brass. Corinna Da Fonseca-Wollheim, New York Times, ...
Spanish / Español Select a language: brassy [ˈbrɑːsɪ]ADJ(brassier (compar) (brassiest (superl))) 1.(=like brass) (in colour) →dorado,de colordorado; (=cheap) →ordinario 2.(=harsh) [sound] →estridente; (=metallic) →metálico ...
☞ The wordbrassas used in Sculpture language is a translation forcopperor some kind ofbronze. ☞Brassis often used adjectively or in self-explaining compounds; as,brassbutton,brasskettle,brassfounder,brassfoundry orbrassfoundry. Brass band ...
Fixed typo, changed wording (now Im using 'tile' translation consistently in this part).12. Loan (POŻYCZKA)No #3„Przesuń znacznik dochodu o 3 poziomy w dół, na najwyższe pole w obrębie danego poziomu.”There was a missing word. „The highest space within of [level...
, no 251, January 2004(Could someone send me a translation please?Thanks!) Schoots’s story combines several names of monumental importance: Jean and Krishna Riboud, Henri Langlois, Joris Ivens, and Tinto Brass. There is one more name that goes unmentioned in Schoots’s text: Roberto Rossell...
ahis work changed ideas about art around the world and to millions of people modern art means the work of picasso guernica (below) which he painted in 1937 records the bombing of that small basque town during the spanish civil war and is undoubtedly one of the masterpieces of modern painting...
Languages:English, French, German, Italian, Spanish Composed:1997 Robert Wigness The Soloistic Use of the Trombone in 18th Century Vienna (Book) Languages:English Composed:1978 Mark Thompson Solos for the Student Trombonist An Annotated Bibliography (Book) ...
Up to 15 commonly used languages, including Spanish, French, German, Italian, etc. No additional translation is required to avoid language barriers. Advance ECU Coding 1.Recode Replaced Modules: Download data from the server and write it to the new ECU after replacing the ECU. ...