An introduction is presented in which the editor discusses articles in the issue on topics including change in the Police of the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, physical care of women belonging to an elite group of the Argentine Naval Prefecture; & challenges faced by ...
The objective of this paper is to conduct a description and analysis on the cooperation between Argentina and Brazil, which occurred with greater emphasis from the 1980s onwards, proposing considerations on its effects for the stabilization of bilateral relations and the emergence of Mercosur. To ...
The processes of social protest in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and Colombia between the years 2018-2021 are analyzed, through a quantitative and comparative study. From the quantitative analysis, a map of the social protest was elaborated, identifying the physiognomy that it acquir...
Coalizes de interesse e agências políticas relacionadas ao Complexo Garabi na fronteira Brasil e Argentinadoi:10.32735/S0718-6568/2021-N60-1511ADVOCACY coalition frameworkSOCIAL conflictSOCIAL dynamicsDAMSVERSTEHENIn order to understand the intricate social dynamics and ...
The purpose of this paper is to show the use and application of the patronage by the independent states of Brazil and the United Provinces in South America (Argentina since 1853) in the first decades of the 19th century. We use comparison as an analytical ...
doi:10.22478/ufpb.2238-104X.2021v11n2.57039Purpose: The aim of this study was to analyze the perception of Argentine executives who work in Brazil and of Brazilian executives who work in Argentina on the labor rights provided for in the labor relations syst...
ARGENTINABRAZILBUENOS Aires (Argentina)COVID-19MUNICIPAL governmentPANDEMICSGOVERNMENT policyThis article aims to analyse the freedom-government relationship through the discourses and governmental measures implemented in Brazil and Argentina on the occasion of COVID-19. It considers two ...
This article examines the changes in the educational opportunities of access to higher education regarding to young people's social class origin in Argentina and Brazil between the mid-1990s and the present. The hypothesis is that the expansion of the higher education system would not hav...
Why did this socio-political dynamic take the form of an institutional alternation of power in Argentina and an anti-institutional character in Brazil? We follow a mixed methodological strategy: genealogical, to understand the political dispute and reconstruct the emerging narratives...
The present article had as scope a comparative study of the continuing teacher education policies in Brazil and Argentina. Based on bibliographic and documentary research, we rehearsed possible reflections on the policies of these countries, aligned or not with the international organisms ...