Brandy Melville5 条评价 消费:- 产品: 8.1 环境: 8.1 服务: 8.2 地址: 850 Granville St (btwn Robson & Smithe), Financial District, Vancouver BC V6Z 1K3, Canada 电话: +1-604-55818** 更多信息 写评价 网友评价(5) 全部 图片(5) 好评(5) 中评(0) 差评(0) 135逛街 最喜欢的纯棉内衣...
📍 地址信息: 872 Granville St, Vancouver, BC V6Z 1K3🔍 需要注意的是,店内商品种类比国内略少,但美国官网上有更多选择。加拿大官网目前尚未提供。🛒 如果你也是Brandy Melville的粉丝,不妨亲自前往温哥华的这家分店,探索更多时尚单品。0 0 发表评论 发表 作者最近动态 红茶茉莉只要茉莉 2024-12-16 干皮...
Visual Display Associate(在职员工)-Vancouver, BC-2013年3月28日 A great group of people to work with, but a visual merchandiser at Brandy Melville is not required to think outside the box very often, and not required to be overly creative or well-trained. I felt unstimulated as a visual ...
Key Holder/Supervisor (在职员工) - Vancouver, BC - 2022年5月6日 Extremely fast-paced with lack of staffing, expectations high for minimum pay for supervisors, extremely long shifts going 2-3 hours often over-scheduled time without notice. 优点 Good coworkers 缺点 Long hours little pay 这篇点...