其实,Co-branding是合作品牌策略的意思, 也就是两个或多个品牌的跨界合作, 传说中的强强联合。 这样的Co-branding往往都很有创意。 打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片 最近优步中国就和联想、微鲸、迅雷、IDO等 几十家大品牌, 共同推出了题为“这一步,更好”的Co-branding, 力求打造更加完美的网约车出行体验。 而结合...
What is the objective of co-branding? Co-branding is a type of marketing partnership between two or more different brands to jointly promote a product or service which results in the creation of a new product, service, or special edition product. Its objective is to allow businesses to combin...
Types of Co-branding Co-branding is of two types: Ingredient co-branding and Composite co-branding. Ingredient co-branding implies using a renowned brand as an element in the production of another renowned brand. This deals with creation of brand equity for materials and parts that are contained...
Co-branding isn’t a one-size-fits-all process. Companies get into different co-branding contracts depending upon the industry they operate it, the type of offering, and the branding goals. Ingredient Co-Branding Ingredient co-branding is when brands collaborate based on...
We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners who may combine it with other information that you’ve provided to them or that they’ve collected from your use of their services. ...
社会化营销火爆的当下,co-branding 并非是件新鲜事。如今,想要通过品牌合作的方式强化品牌形象,不花点心思实属不易。很多品牌在盲目的 co-branding 时都没有找到真正的关联点,强行硬「扣」的行为往往并不能扣住用户的心。 其实,一次品牌合作就像两个明星之间谈了一场恋爱,想要获得粉丝的祝福,首先要充分展现彼此之...
Co-branding is a marketing strategy that utilizes multiple brand names on a good or service as part of a strategic alliance.
一次成功的Co-branding,除了要看品牌联合活动的数据,更要看品牌间合作的紧密性,其联合是否真正做到“我中有你,你中有我”,共同为对方助力。 “春草初生,春林初茂,春风十里,不如你。”一个是青春剧里的最强IP,一个是鸡尾酒领导品牌,当优酷超级剧集《春风十里不如你》邂逅RIO鸡尾酒,我们迎来了一场场芬芳甘醇...