Master of Science in Computer Science for Non-Majors How to Apply 资料参考 Michtom School of Computer Science Staying Ahead in an Ever-Evolving Field Brandeis hosts world-class research in the setting of a medium-sized university located only nine miles from Boston. It ...
Master of Science in Computer Science for Non-Majors 此项目适合没有CS背景的学生申请,在文理学院,学生毕业后获得MS in Computer Science学位,适合无CS背景同学跨专业申请。 Recognizing the high demand for training in computer science, Brandeis created an innovative master’s program for majors in the sci...
Computer Science(10) HSSP(6) Mathematics(7) Neuroscience(29) Physics(6) Psychology(7) Environmental Studies, Sociology, Ecoonomics, andPeace, Conflict and Coexistence Studies (1 each) competitive fellowship programs Division of Science Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF), supported by Bran...