医生可以开品牌药(brand-name drug)或低价的学名药(generic drug)来治疗疾病。除非医生在处方特别注明之外,许多情 … health.bowenwang.com.cn|基于14个网页 2. 名药 ...平衡两个重要的公共政策目标:首先,国会希望保证商品名药(brand-name drug)生产厂家得到切实可行的市场保护,以鼓 … ...
brand name drug phr. 原厂药物 name brand n. 名牌 brand name n. 商标, 品牌 trade (brand) name 商标名 trade(brand) name 商品名 trade (brand)name 【化】 商品名 brand name dropping 拽名牌(指有人在别人面前频繁提及自己拥有的名牌物品,希望以此给人留下深刻印象。) name it v. 讲出来...
Noun1.brand-name drug- a drug that has a trade name and is protected by a patent (can be produced and sold only by the company holding the patent) proprietary drug drug- a substance that is used as a medicine or narcotic generic drug- when the patent protection for a brand-name drug...
目前世界上在市场上的药基本上可以分为两种类型类,品牌药(Brand Name Drug)和仿制药(Generic Drug),而这两个概念则来源于美国。品牌药是指某一制药公司发现的药物获得FDA上市批准之后,原产制药公司持续生产的持有专利权的药物;仿制药则是指当品牌药的专利保护到期之后,其他公司采用用与品牌药相同的有效成分制作的仿...
全球药物市场如一幅丰富的画卷,主要由两种角色主导——品牌药(Brand Name Drug)与仿制药(Generic Drug)。这场故事的起点,无疑要追溯到美国的创新土壤。品牌药是制药巨头的专利瑰宝,当一款新药经FDA严格审批,原研公司凭借专利权,倾力打造并投入市场。它们以其独特的疗效和安全性能,赢得了患者的...
商标名药物例句>> 2) Trade-name of drug 药物商品名称3) famous brand 驰名商标 1. A famous brand as a trademark which has good reputation and credit standing in the market is familiar with public. 驰名商标作为在市场上具有很高知名度和信誉、并为公众所熟知的商标,它的保护状况如何,在一定程度...
3) generic drug 非名牌药4) brand naming rule 品牌名命名 1. The article takes Baudrillard s "The Symbolic consumption" as the inquisition foundation, taking the summary of brand naming rule as a breakthrough point, using the cultural science and the linguistics method to analyze the Chinese...
company brings a new drug onto the market, the firm has already spent substantial money on research, development, marketing and promotion of the drug. A patent is granted that gives the company that developed the drug an exclusive right to sell the drug as long as the patent is in effect...
Brand name drugs are chemically identical to their generic counterparts. Yet, consumers often prefer the brand name product to the generic product. Making consumers think that a brand name drug differs from its generic counterpart is an example of A. product differentiation. B. perfect competition....
Brand-name drug may not be neededRanit Mishori