The brand names translation of cosmetics is directly related to the sales of the products and the success of the enterprises.Cultural difference is a key factor in the brand names translation.Therefore,this essay mainly discusses the brand names translation of cosmetics from the perspective of ...
Since a good translated cosmetics brand name is worth a lot for the cosmetics products. And in this section,the author’s main concern will be the major concepts regarding cosmetics brand name translation as well as its importance. When we are studying the cosmetic brand names,it is important...
AnOverviewofCosmeticBrandNamesTranslation Sinceagoodtranslatedcosmeticsbrandnameisworthalotforthecosmetics products.Andinthissection,theauthor’smainconcernwillbethemajorconcepts regardingcosmeticsbrandnametranslationaswellasitsimportance. Whenwearestudyingthecosmeticbrandnames,itisimportantforusto analyzetheformationofcosm...
Brand name is the face of a product. A good brand name, like a beautiful girl, can attract consumers’ attention. It is very common that consumers are likely to buy famous products. Since consumers are familiar with the brand names of famous products, they believe that the famous brand nam...
"We're going to do everything that we can to defend ourselves," Rey said. An intellectual property attorney said it all comes down to how difficult it is for customers to distinguish between the brands. It depends on how "close they are in terms of their names, and what they look like...
因此,在商标翻译的过程中,译者应该选择原语的图式,还是目的语读者的图式就成为对译者的一个挑战。 2. It is hardly too much to say that a good brand name and brand name translation influence consumers’attitude to a particular goods and its consumption. 然后就商标翻译的方法提出了建议,如译者可以通过...
4.Metaphor Study on the Chinese Brand Names--Case Study of Automobile,Cosmetics and Wine汉语品牌名称的隐喻研究——以汽车、化妆品、白酒品牌为例 5.Identity Trend of Enterprise Name,Brand Name,and Logo in EIS;企业识别系统中的企业名称、品牌名称、标志同一化趋势 6.The product originates from the Ae...
When choosing a business name,it’s important to understand your audienceand what they’re looking for when searching for a brand. Food, beverage, and cosmetics companies can often benefit from playful names because customers want fun experiences. ...
Names for automobile makes and models provide an interesting domain. In the United States popular sources for cars are names for animals associated with strength, speed, and grace (Cougar, Lark, Falcon), attractive places, especially resort areas (Biarritz, Riviera, Monte Carlo), astronomical ...
1.The translation of brand names is the language transformation and cultural blending.品牌名的翻译是语言的转换和文化的交融,翻译过程中对文化因素的认识和处理至关重要。 2.There exists a phenomenon that some brand names converted into product names accordingly in modern society.社会上存在着这样一种现象...