Lawfully-made generics, wherever they are sold, have the same API as their brand name versions. Where they are produced under good manufacturing practices and are bioequivalent to the brand, they will work the same way as the brand.
brand-name drugsgeneric drugsanalysisquality controlMedical institutions usually ensure the quality of medications by reviewing manufacturing documents and examining the appearance of the drugs. However, these mechanisms may not be robust enough to confirm the quality of the medications used. To evaluate ...
Generic drugs use the same active ingredients as brand name drugs and work the same way. They have the same risks and the same benefits as the brand name drugs.There can still be troubles with manufacturing in some instances.As one example, the detection of a possible cancer-causing agent ...
Brand names, drug regulation (the domain of Health Canada) and pharmaceutical promotion have come together in a particularly egregious way in the case of buprenorphine-naloxone, brand name Suboxone — an opioid medication used to treat opioid addiction. E...
Multinational Pharmaceutical Companies Shortchange Canada in Research and Development Investments: Is It Time to Pursue Other Options? In 1987, the government passed legislation to protect brand-name pharmaceutical firms against competition from generic drug brands in exchange for economic... SK Lee,SK ...
10.Discussing Brand Strategies of Pharmaceutical Manufacture Enterprises from Enterprise Brands and Product Brands;从企业品牌与产品品牌的角度谈药品生产企业的品牌战略 11.Wang Ping: The trademark refers to a product's name and brand.王平:品牌就是指商品的牌号、商标。 12.A Study on Brand Externalities ...
pharmaceutical products registered in Hong Kong, includingtheproduct name,active ingredients, registration number as well as the [...] 生福利局局長:主席,現時市民可在 生署藥劑事務部的網頁內,查閱所 有已在香港註冊的藥劑製品的資料,包括有關藥物的名稱、有效成分、註冊 編號...
There is no FDA-approved generic version of brand-name weight loss drugs since pharmaceutical companies still hold patents on the medications. Some of the companies falsely claimed the drugs were FDA-approved. A few even allowed direct purchases without the required prescription....
A generic drug or pharmaceutical may be created when a name-brand drug's patent expires. In the U.S, which is responsible for most drug patents, the patent term length is 20 years. There is also an exclusivity period—the length of which depends on the drug type and its use. Once a...
This meta-analysis aimed to compare the efficacy and adverse events, either serious or mild/moderate, of all generic versus brand-name cardiovascular medic