【Luxury Brand Management(LBM)奢侈品专业的部分热门英国大学】 1、南安普顿大学温彻斯特艺术学院 2、伦敦大学金史密斯学院(金匠) 3、格拉斯哥卡里多尼亚大学 4、伯明翰城市大学 5、诺丁汉特伦特大学南安温...
Cultivate launch to market efficiency and measure your brand performance with luxury brand management software for the luxury fashion industry
4、ESC Renne 雷恩高等商学院 专业:Msc in International Brand and Luxury Brand Management 英语授课,学制15个月,上课地点:雷恩 申请要求:雅思6.5分以上,同时接受托福和托业成绩,GMAT成绩(参考) 申请费:60欧元,学费:11900欧元 5、ESC Grenoble 格勒诺布尔高商 专业:Msc Design,Fashion and Luxury Management 英语授...
Msc Marketing & Brand Management 创意艺术大学 MA Design Innovation and Brand Management MA Luxury Brand Management 埃塞克斯大学 Msc Marketing and Brand Management 中央兰开夏大学 MA Fashion and Lifestyle Brand Studies 考文垂大学 MA Brand Management ...
and licensing Focuses on brand life-cycle, brand identity, and licensing issues A compelling and comprehensive examination of the different dimensions of luxury management in various sectors, this new edition of the classic text on brand management is essential reading for anyone working with or inter...
MSc. Fashion, Design and Luxury Brand ManagementSaloni Sharma
Luxury Brand Management 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 A fascinating and comprehensive examination of the different dimensions of luxury management in various sectors. This is a powerful book for marketers, advertisers and brand managers in understanding the intricacies of the luxury market- how ...
Luxury Brand Management 奢侈品行业其实和时尚行业有点像。因为都和品牌的策划运营有关。 奢侈品品牌本身研究的方向分为比较轻奢的即可穿系列, 高级定制, 高端配饰以及特许商品/服务。由于奢侈品牌的定位和战略本身比较独立,与时尚品牌差异较大(后续将列举出对比),所以成为了一个单独的学科。
通常这类brand management都是开设在college里面的,比如多伦多的seneca college就有开设这个专业。
luxury brand management differs from traditional brand management and will elaborate on the foundations of luxury brand management, how luxury brands can create dream and desirability, leverage on their uniqueness and storytelling, manage exclusivity, accessibility and popularity, innovate on tradition, ...