I propose developing a physical simulation of the emergent growth found in corals. Emergent growth is the process where numerous agents follow simple rules to create complex forms. To create aphysical simulation a 3d printer would be modified to extrude various substances. The printer would include...
ocean warming is of great concern for scleractinian corals16,17. Most notably, corals may bleach when the local temperatures exceed typical summer maxima by 1 °C18. However, even before corals bleach sustained increases in local temperatures may lead to declines in growth or performance. For e...
fulva, was found on 76% of the corals, followed by C. superba on 46%, and G. quinquestrigatis on 33%. Examination of stomach contents and feeding behavior showed that the shrimp and crabs feed on coral mucus and, to lesser and varying degrees, zooplankton, other suspended material, and...
In order to do this, we mapped incident light levels across coral surfaces in branching corals and measured the photosynthetic capacity across various within-colony surfaces. Based on the field data and modelled frequency distribution of within-colony surface light levels, our results show that ...
This lack of feeding by herbivorous fishes within branching coral habitats in the Keppel Islands contrasts with the typical role of coral and topographic complexity on herbivores on coral reefs and highlights the potential for complex interactions between algae, corals and fishes on coral reefs. On ...
Using phylogenetic contrasts and graphic modeling, I found evidence of morphologic integration at two levels of colonial organization. Despite the implicit modularity from gorgonian corals constructed by replicated polyps, there may be an emergent level of integration for characters product of branching ...
To determine if branching coral communities are prone to infection with black band disease, brown band disease, and white syndrome, this study compared the prevalence of coral disease between Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Zones in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, Australia. We found evidence ...
In stony corals it is often observed that specimens collected from a sheltered growth site have more open and more thinly branched growth forms than specimens of the same species from more exposed growth sites, where stronger water currents are found. This observation was explained using an ...
A significant increase in MAA's was also found in colonies of P. furcata under enhanced UVR, while no differences were observed in fecundity compared to controls. While several physical factors may influence reef corals physiology, these results suggest that shallow-water corals could be ...
Corals in cave habitats allowed 20% more irradiance compared to colonies found in the deep, and had a 47% greater proportion of irradiance compared to colonies in the shallow high-light environment. Such phenotypic regulation of internal light levels on branch surfaces partly explains the broad ...