Cervical chondrocutaneous branchial remnants are rare second branchial arch remnants which present in children as small, slow-growing nodules in the lower third of the neck anterior to the sternocleidomastoid muscle. They are most commonly unilateral and do not penetrate deeper than the SCM fascia. ...
First described by Bailey in 1929, the second BCC is a remnant arising from incomplete degeneration of the second branchial arch, as it develops over a long period of time and occurs clinically and progressively later, making diagnosis difficult [7]. According to King's criteria, any cyst ...
Fourth Branchial Cleft Cyst Fourth cleft cysts are extremely rare, representing approximately 1% of all branchial cleft anomalies. They are reported more commonly on the left, with the skin opening near the medial lower border of the SCM. The exact course of the fourth branchial cleft remnant is...
Branchial cleft cysts are believed to derive from the vestigial remnant of a branchial cleft or pouch during foetal life. The fourth branchial cleft cyst can develop anywhere along the course of its development: from the apex of pyriform sinus to near the cricothyroid joint where it descends ...
Definition and Characteristics Branchial cleft anomalies may present as a cyst, sinus, fistula, or cartilaginous remnant [ 1 ]. Approximately 80% of branchial cleft anomalies present as a cyst and about 95% are formed from the region of the second branchial arch [ 2 , 3 ]. The remaining ...
In addition, an anastomotic channel was formed by a remnant of the ramus orbitalis, connecting the right infraorbital with the deep orbital artery. The right accessory meningeal (AM) regularly arose from the maxillary artery and entered the cranial cavity through the foramen ovale, separated from...
Where is my ear? -- Cervical Chondrocutaneous Branchial Remnantdoi:10.4274/tao.2021.2021-6-13EAR canalMEDICAL sciencesEAREXTERNAL earBRANCHIAL archCONDUCTIVE hearing lossKajal, SmileAhmed, AnamGupta, AnuragTurkish Archives of Otolaryngology / Türk Otolarengoloji Arsivi...
No remnant of fistula or sinus was observed during the follow-up period from 2 to 12years postoperatively. Make-inside-exposed method by tract incision is an effective and safe technique for the excision of the first branchial cleft fistula. The two main advantages of this method are that it...
Cervical chrondrocutaneous branchial remnant: A case report - ScienceDirectCervical chondrocutaneous branchial remnants (CCBR) are rare benign masses of the neck that arise from anomalies in embryological branchial arch development. They present as a painless, flesh-toned exophytic nodule of the neck....
Chondrocutaneous remnantHyaline cartilageCartilaginous branchial development has been studied extensively for many years. Since the first description of these studies done in 1828 [W.B. Matthews, Congenital cartilaginous rests in the neck, Arch. Surg. 28 (1934) 59; G. Atlan, E.P. Egerszegi, P...