Multiple time windowsBranch and price and cutThis study addresses a vehicle routing problem (VRP) in which demands are discrete, split delivery is allowed, service time is proportional to the units of delivered products, multiple time windows are provided and the demand of each customer must be ...
Branch-price-and-cut (BPC) is the leading methodology for solving many vehicle routing problems exactly such as the capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP), the vehicle routing problem with time windows (VRPTW), and the split delivery vehicle routing problem with time windows, to name just a...
The time limit TL1 for each run was set to one hour. The main components and important parameters of the algorithm Conclusions In this paper, we have developed a new BPC algorithm tailored to the commodity-constrained split delivery vehicle routing problem (C-SDVRP). The main novelty is the ...
RobustBranch-and-Cut-and-PricefortheCapacitatedVehicle RoutingProblem RicardoFukasawa 1 ,MarcusPoggideArag˜ao 2 ,MarceloReis 2 ,EduardoUchoa 3 1 GapsoInc. R.JardimBotˆanico674,sala614,RiodeJaneiro,Brasil,22461-000
In this thesis a Branch-and-Cut-and-Price algorithm (BCP) is presented for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Subcontractors (VRPSC). The algorithm uses the Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition (DW) to obtain a set-partition master problem and a Sh... M Jepsen,S Spoorendonk - 《University of Copenha...
Selective pricing in branch-price-and-cut algorithms for vehicle routing Branch-price-and-cut is a leading methodology for solving various vehicle routing problems (VRPs). For many VRPs, the pricing problem of a branch-price-and... G Desaulniers,D Pecin,C Contardo - 《Euro Journal on Tra...
1. Robust branch-and-cut-and-price for the capacitated vehicle routing problem [J] . Fukasawa R, Longo H, Lysgaard J, Mathematical Programming . 2006,第3期 机译:有限的车辆路径问题的鲁棒的分切和价格 2. A Branch-and-Cut-and-Price Algorithm for the Two-Echelon Capacitated Vehicle Routi...
Branch-and-Price-and-Cut forthe SplitDeliveryVehicleRoutingProblem withTimeWindows GuyDesaulniers ´ EcolePolytechniquedeMontr´ealandGERAD ColumnGeneration2008 Aussois,France Introduction Formulation Branch-and-price-and-cutmethod Computationalresults Conclusions Outline 1Introduction Problemdefinition Literat...
This paper addresses a new vehicle routing problem that simultaneously involves time windows, split collection and linear weight-related cost, which is a generalization of the split delivery vehicle routing problem with time windows (SDVRPTW). This probl
In this paper, we study the split delivery vehicle routing problem with time windows (SDVRPTW) that is a variant of the well-known vehicle routing problem with time windows (VRPTW), where each customer can be served by more than one vehicle. We propose enhancement procedures for the exact ...