BCP, a state-of-the-art algorithm for optimal Multi-agent Path Finding, uses the branch-and-cut-and-price framework to decompose the problem into (1) a master problem that selects a set of collision-free low-cost paths, (2) a pricing problem that adds lower-cost paths to the master ...
This work proposes a Branch-cut-and-price (BCP) approach for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery (VRPSPD). We also deal with a particular case of the VRPSPD, known as the Vehicle Routing Problem with Mixed Pickup and Delivery. The BCP algorithm was tested in ...
This results in a branch-and-cut-and-price (BCP) algorithm. Time- dependency in travel times increases the complexity of the pricing problem. In fact, the set of feasible solutions increases as the cost of a generated column (i.e. route) does not depend only on the visited customers, ...
In this thesis a Branch-and-Cut-and-Price algorithm (BCP) is presented for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Subcontractors (VRPSC). The algorithm uses the Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition (DW) to obtain a set-partition master problem and a Sh... M Jepsen,S Spoorendonk - 《University of Copenha...
This work presents a sophisticated exact algorithm for the TSPHS, a Branch-Cut-and-Price (BCP) algorithm that includes and adapts several features found in state-of-the-art algorithms for vehicle routing. In that algorithm, columns correspond to possible salesperson day trips; subtour elimination ...
Branch, cut, and price (BCP) is an LP-based branch and bound technique for solving large-scale discrete optimization problems (DOPs). In BCP, both cuts and variables can be generated dynamically throughout the search tree. The ability to handle constantly changing sets of cuts and variables ...
Branch, cut, and price (BCP) is an LP-based branch and bound technique for solving large-scale discrete optimization problems (DOPs). In BCP, both cuts and variables can be generated dynamically throughout the search tree. The ability to... L Ladányi,TK Ralphs,LET Jr - Springer Berlin ...
Branch, cut, and price (BCP) is an LP-based branch and bound technique for solving large-scale discrete optimization problems (DOPs). In BCP, both cuts and variables can be generated dynamically throughout the search tree. The ability to... L Ladányi,TK Ralphs,LET Jr - Springer Berlin ...
The model is implemented and solved by the branch-cut-and-price (BCP) algorithm in the VRPSolver package. Computational experiments indicate that the proposed BCP model is superior to the literature, being able to solve many open instances. Good results were also obtained for the Multi-Depot ...