You can always provide an additional argument to ask about the merge state with respect to some other branch without checking that other branch out first, as in, what is not merged into themasterbranch? $ git checkout testing $ git branch --no-merged master topicA featureB ...
Ito ay kawili-wili, dahil ngayon ang iyongtestingna branch ay nilipat nang pasulong, ngunit ang iyongmasterna branch ay nakaturo pa rin sa commit kung saan nandoon ka noong pinatakbo mo anggit checkoutupang maglipat ng mga branch. Lumipat tayo pabalik samasterna branch: $ git checkout...
, "One paw in front of the other!", "What's up Meepo?", "Have shovel, will bury. You.", "They should call you Ain't-Mage.", "You punched out all of my blood!", "Try that again, tough guy!"] night_stalker: quote: ["Day walker, night stalker.", "Devil by day, demon...
"in_domain": "", "out_domain": "", }, }_SUPPORTED_TASKS = [Tasks.FACT_CHECKING]_...
$ git checkout testing Bu,testingşöbəsinə işarə etmək üçünHEAD-ı hərəkətə gətirir. Figure 14. HEAD mövcud branch-ı işarə edir Bunun əhəmiyyəti nədir? Yaxşı, başqa bir commit edək: ...
You can always provide an additional argument to ask about the merge state with respect to some other branch without checking that other branch out first, as in, what is not merged into themasterbranch? $ git checkout testing $ git branch --no-merged master topicA featureB ...
You can always provide an additional argument to ask about the merge state with respect to some other branch without checking that other branch out first, as in, what is not merged into themasterbranch? $ git checkout testing $ git branch --no-merged master topicA featureB ...
$ git checkout testing $ git branch --no-merged master topicA featureB Ändern eines Branchnamens Achtung Benenne keine Branches um, die noch von anderen Mitstreitern verwendet werden. Benenne einen Branch wie master / main / mainline nicht um, ohne den Abschnitt „Ändern des Namens ...