Evidence showing that branch is used by a majority of all bank customers and is the preferred channel for more than half of respondents; Finding that major British banks are planning to increase investments in branch banks.EBSCO_bspFinancial Technology...
Type: Bank Location: Oromiya, Ethiopia, East Africa, Africa View on OpenStreetMapLatitude8.54216° or 8° 32' 32" north Longitude39.28269° or 39° 16' 58" east OperatorAwash Bank Open Location Code6GWXG7RM+V3 OpenStreetMap IDnode 4522535691 OpenStreetMap Featureamenity...
![System Landscape diagram for Big Bank plc](https://www.plantuml.com/plantuml/png/TLHDRzim3BtxLt2vD0NIP8UTTcg-i1PBcg9EKFHaC8eS2v4bJvAR1iF--oWxTkpMySaY7yb7yadtrg5nUIg3Rq8ncUyu9CvbzkTePF0ut0kNvDlSSiEqSbov8TFf27T6e7gNUPQFfZ_kdYKgjrakHX8TjuvCqTIZFzmmyvbl85SKbb8uk8H3hANKHw7s88NY...