ACHBANK&BRANCHCODEGUIDE Lastupdated:11Feb2015 PLEASENOTE:UOBwillnotbeheldresponsibleforanyerrorsoromissionsthatmay appearintheguide.Forupdatesofthecodes,pleasereferto.uobgroup/ACHcodes. ForDBSenquiries,pleasecall18003396666.ForOCBCenquiries,pleasecall1800438 ...
conditions when preparing the transactions: Bank Name OCBC UOB FEB DBS POSB Bank Code 7339 Branch Account Code No (Example) 550 1089550 Remarks - Length of Account No varies - Use first 3 digits of Account No as Branch Code - Drop first 3 digits of Account No for the Account No field ...
ACHBankandBranchCodeGuide:ACH银行及分行代码指南 ACH Bank and Branch Code Guide The ACH Bank Code, Branch Code and Account Number are key fields in the required information to be provided for Interbank GIRO transactions. You may use this document as a general guide to assist...
This guide is for customer using the old IBG payment and collections. 2. Customer using the new FAST/GIRO service, please be reminded that the following 3 banks require the 3 digits branch code to be appended to the account number. OCBC – Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited ...
Bank Name Bank Code Branch Code Account No(Example) Remarks OCBC 7339 550 1089550 -LengthofAccountNovaries -Usefirst3digitsofAccountNoasBranch Code -Dropfirst3digitsofAccountNoforthe AccountNofield eg.Foraccount5501089550,theBranchCode willbe550andtheAccountNowillbe 1089550. UOB 7375 030 9102031012 ...
SWIFT codes are used to move money around the world via international bank transfers. For instance, if you want to send money to OVERSEA-CHINESE BANKING CORPORATION LTD.HK BRANCH (INCORP. WITH LIMITED LIABILITY IN SINGAPORE), you would need the SWIFT code OCBCHKHH, plus the recipient's IBAN...
OCBC Bank POSB Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore) UOBSWIFT/BIC代碼是什麼? SWIFT代碼是銀行識別代碼(BIC)的標準格式,用於指定特定的銀行或分行。 這些代碼在銀行之間轉帳時使用,尤其是在國際電匯中。 銀行也使用這些代碼在它們之間交換消息。 SWIFT代碼由8個或11個字符組成。所有11位數字代碼均指特定的銀行分行...
Code Branch Code Account No(Example) Remarks OCBC 7339 550 1089550 -LengthofAccountNovaries -Usefirst3digitsofAccountNoasBranch Code -Dropfirst3digitsofAccountNoforthe AccountNofield eg.Foraccount5501089550,theBranchCode willbe550andtheAccountNowillbe ...
Get Wise for Business ICBCSGSG - SWIFT Code Breakdown SWIFT Code ICBCSGSGorICBCSGSGXXX Bank Code ICBC- code assigned to MEGA INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL BANK CO., LTD., SINGAPORE BRANCH Country Code SG- code belongs toSingapore Location & Status ...
SWIFT Codes for main Singapore banks Citibank Singapore DBS Bank HSBC Singapore Maybank Singapore OCBC Bank POSB Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore) UOBWhat is a SWIFT Code? A SWIFT Code is a standard format of Bank Identifier Code (BIC) used to specify a particular bank or branch. These ...