private static void solveTSP(double[][] distanceMatrix) {int totalCities = distanceMatrix.length;ArrayList<Integer> cities = new ArrayList<Integer>();for (int i = 0; i < totalCities; i++) {cities.add(i);}ArrayList<Integer> path;double initB = initbound(totalCities, distanceMatrix);Node...
Point类publicclasspoint{publicdoublec[][];//费用矩阵publicintrowNumber[];// 费用矩阵的行号publicintcolNumber[];//费用矩阵对应的列号publicintad[];//路径publicintk;// 阶数publicdoublelowbound;// 下界publicpoint(intcount){c=newdouble[count][count];rowNumber=newint[count];colNumber=newint[cou...
3、算法实现 Point类publicclasspoint{publicdoublec[][];//费用矩阵publicintrowNumber[];// 费用矩阵的行号publicintcolNumber[];//费用矩阵对应的列号publicintad[];//路径publicintk;// 阶数publicdoublelowbound;// 下界publicpoint(intcount){c=newdouble[count][count];rowNumber=newint[count];colNumbe...
lowerbound=INFTY bestbound=INFTY count=0 exp(v[0]) print'best route:',best print'distance:',bestbound print'looptimes:',count#,'in compare with',len(weight)!
-TSPInstanceReader:TSPLIB标准算例读取用。 -PriorityQueue:优先队列。 -Node:搜索树的节点。 -City:保存城市的坐标,名字等。 -BranchBound_TSP:BB算法主程序。 该branchandbound的搜索树是以优先队列的搜索方式遍历的,结合上期所讲的内容,也可谓是把三种搜索方式的例子都给大家...
01 什么是branch and bound(定义)? 1.1 官方一点[1] Branch and bound (BB, B&B, or BnB) is an algorithm design paradigm for discrete and combinatorial optimization problems, as well as mathematical optimization. A branch-and-bound algorithm consists of a systematic enumeration of candidate solutions...
01 什么是branch and bound? 1.1 官方一点[1] Branch and bound (BB, B&B, or BnB) is an algorithm design paradigm for discrete and combinatorial optimization problems, as well as mathematical optimization. A branch-and-bound algorithm consists of a systematic enumeration of candidate solutions by me...
This demonstration shows the single steps of nearest neighbour, hungarian method (munkres algorithm) for assignment problem, branch and bound for symmetric or asymmetric cost matrices. The tree of the branch and bound algorithm is shown and the user can select more or less details. With the file...
A branch-and-bound algorithm for the double TSP with two stacks. Technical Report 4, Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Universit di Salerno, Fisciano, Italy; 2010.Carrabs, F. , Cerulli, R. , Speranza, M.G. , 2013 . A branch-and-bound algorithm for the double tsp with two ...
按照某一个标准在节点表里储存,后续取点删点。2、方法应用 下边以bb在求解tsp中的应用来说明,不同问题思路相近,大同小异。求解步骤如下:(1)规约费用矩阵。即使费用矩阵中每一行每一列都包含0元素,此时规约系数就是该问题的一个下界。3、算法实现 以28个点的tsp为例,测试结果如下: