Finally, we compare the branch-and-Benders-cut approach to a straight-forward branch-and-bound implementation based on the deterministic equivalent formulation.doi:10.1007/s00291-020-00616-7Parragh, Sophie N.Tricoire, FabienGutjahr, Walter J....
A branch-and-cut approach for Benders’ decomposition has been implemented within the constraint integer programming solver SCIP using a plugin-based design to allow for a wide variety of extensions and customisations to the algorithm. The effectiveness of the Benders’ decomposition algorithm and ...
ABranch-and-CutAlgorithm forthePreemptiveSwapping Problem CharlesBordenave MichelGendreau GilbertLaporte June2008 CIRRELT-2008-23 ABranch-and-CutAlgorithmforthePreemptive SwappingProblem CharlesBordenave 1,2,* ,MichelGendreau 1,2 ,GilbertLaporte
This is a partial replication of Côté, Haouari, Iori (2019): A Primal Decomposition Algorithm for the Two-dimensional Bin Packing Problem. arXiv:1909.06835 [math.OC] resp. Côté, Haouari, Iori (2021): Combinatorial Benders Decomposition for the Two-Dimensional Bin Packing Problem. INFORMS ...
2.1.1Branch-and-cut Branch and boundis a widely used technique for exactly solvingMIPinstances[12], which can serve as an exact algorithm proven to reach the optimal solution eventually[13]. Moreover, the branch-and-cut algorithm is currently the most popular architecture forMIP solvers, which...
We study a generalization of the well-known traveling salesman problem (TSP) where each customer provides or requires a given non-zero amount of product, and the vehicle in a depot has a given capa...关键词: Benders' cuts branch and cut pickup and delivery traveling salesman problem DOI...
When implementing the Benders decomposition algorithm, the special structure of the subproblem is explored, based on which an efficient method is proposed to generate Benders cuts. In addition, refinements and a heuristic strategy are used to speed up the branch‐and‐cut algorithm. Extensive ...
The overall method is commonly known as a branch-and-cut algorithm; we refer [15], [11] for a thorough description of the technique. We next describe some important implementation issues. 3.1. Separating Benders’ cuts Due to the large number of inequalities in (16), not all of them can...
Finally, we compare the branch-and-Benders-cut approach to a straight-forward branch-and-bound implementation based on the deterministic equivalent formulation.doi:10.1007/s00291-020-00616-7Sophie N. ParraghFabien TricoireWalter J. GutjahrOR Spectrum...
Section 2 formally describes the problem considered in this paper, namely the MFMOMP, and develops MISOCO formulations for it. Section 3 is devoted to present the new set partitioning-like formulation and all the details of the branch-and-price algorithm proposed to solve it. There, we ...