Brake Rotors & Brake Drums NAPA rotors and drums deliver quality without compromise, including added defense against rust and corrosion. Learn More Brake Components From a leaking brake line to a replacement brake pedal or brake light, NAPA offers the brake hydraulic components you need to compl...
Inspect the brake rotors (discs) for dirt and debris. Also look to make sure the rotors are straight and that they don't rub on the brake pads. If the rotors are especially dirty, clean them with rubbing alcohol and then rough them lightly with sandpaper. While you're looking at the r...
Brake rotors can be resurfaced ("turned") to restore their trueness and lessen the possibility of warpage, but if too much rotor material is removed in the process the rotor will be prone to warp again. Mechanic Charles told us another frequent cause of brake rotor issues is lack of use....