Notice I didn't say replace the caliper. Now, if you notice the piston is really hard to squeeze back in, or if the rubber boot is torn and salt water got in and there's rust around the piston, that's a different story, could call for a caliper. So check that carefully while you...
caliper 35 which is coaxial with the cylinder 35b, the tubular portion 35f having a lefthand end closed off by a rubber cap 56. The pusher 45 has in its righthand end a tapered hole 45b in which the head 42a of the adjusting bolt 42 is frictionally engageable, and a vertical slot ...
Watermigratesintothecables,andfreezesandrustsovertime.Itseemstheaveragelifeofasetof cablesis3-4years.Partoftheissueisabasicdesignflaw(yea,Isaidit)inhowthecablesare routed.Asmallrubberbootcoversthecableattherear,nearthecalipers.Theifthebootgets cracked,torn,ordry-rotswatercanenterthecableasitskickedupby...