The aim of this thesis is to describe a minimally supervised method to segment sketches coinciding with slices of the brainstem featuring labeled contours. This thesis also describes a deformable contour model approach, emphasizing a 1-simplex framework, to reconstruct a 3D volume from 2D slices....
data of the observed neuronal connections in the form of text or tables. These ordinal measures represent an estimate of connection densities. Level 3 is based on either stereological quantification of perikarya labeled by tract tracing or densitometric quantification of labeled axonal terminals. Semiqu...
Moreover, biotinylated dextran amine injection in the basal turn of scala media of a normal cochlea labeled cochlear nerve fibers projecting to the high-frequency regions of the cochlear nuclei and to the flocculus, but not to more central auditory nuclei. This is the first detailed account of...
Fig. 1: Acute novelty stress decreases food intake, induces anxiety and activates NPYDRN/vlPAGneurons. aAcute novelty stress paradigm. Group-housed mice were individually transferred into new cages without padding to induce acute novelty stress. 4-h (b), 4–24-h (c) and 24-h (c) food i...
a,bCTb injection into the RVLM unilaterally. TH tyrosine hydroxylase; IO inferior olive nucleus; LPGi lateral paragigantocellular nucleus; NA nucleus anbiguus. Scale bar: 1 mm.cDrawing of the distribution of CTb-labeled cells [combined from 8 rats (6 males, 2 females)] and CTb-positive...
(PTSD)6. A balance between two opposing stress and anti-stress mechanisms determines the overall impact of stress. The former renders organisms more sensitive and vulnerable to stress-related disorders, while the later imparts resilience and resistance. Thus, identifying mechanisms that make ...
HRP labeled cells were observed in the bilateral medial parts of medial septal areas, vertical limbs of the diagonal band of Broca, supramammillary nuclei, submammillothalamic nuclei, superior central nucleus and locus ceruleus.PI and Bb solution were injected into the left and right hippocampus ...
positive and negative peaks claimed in his 1970 paper: “With the tongue as a reference point in the deeply anesthetized cat, recordings from the scalp or rostral brain locations obtained by repeated averaging, time-locked to an auditory click, showed four positive waves which were labeled P1–...
To find the neurotransmitter used by these various TA premotor neuron pools, we repeated the ΔG-rabies tracing in transgenic neonatal mice where glutamatergic or GABAergic neurons were labeled. TA premotor neurons within the rv-iRF were Vglut2+, those in other respiratory brainstem centers ...
To understand the signals that keep mice eating and drinking, researchers studied a cluster of neurons (red) in a brain region called the periLC. These cells are located next to a spot in the brainstem called the locus coeruleus (magenta). Green-labeled cells are another kind of neuron foun...