Ambient noise, whispers, and low light are all eliminated, allowing sleep to occur without having to consciously process what is going on in the environment. Cerebrum The cerebrum includes a variety of cortical and subcortical structures, such as the somatosensory and motor cortices, basal ganglia,...
The medullary pyramids arepaired white matter structures of the brainstem's medullaoblongata that contain motor fibers of the corticospinal and corticobulbartracts – known together as the pyramidal tracts. The lower limit of the pyramids is marked when the fibers cross (decussate). What is the na...
We have developed a set of electrodes that embodies these principles to measure EMG signal of forearm muscles during fMRI (Fig.1C). The set includes a bipolar reference electrode (REF) separated by a measurement electrode (EMG) via an insulating layer. Both pairs of electrodes are off-the-sh...
Before describing the brainstem structures, we will review what we have learned so far so that you may check your mental picture of the nervous system. The nervous system is made up of the brain and the spinal cord. The major anatomical units of thecentral nervous systemare the cerebrum, th...
structures of the human brainSagittal section of the human brain, showing structures of the cerebellum, brainstem, and cerebral ventricles. The brainstem houses many of the control centres for vital body functions, such as swallowing, breathing, and vasomotor control. All of thecranial nervenuclei,...
(auditory evoked potentials, AEP). A particular form of AEP recordings is auditory brainstem response (ABR) [8]. With ABR, hearing thresholds can be objectively assessed and measure changes in neural integrity in subcortical auditory structures. Therefore, ABR can be used to screen hearing ...
Table 4. Structures involved in MMI and corresponding neurological deficit (modified from [10]). The most common presentation of unilateral MMI in a case series was hemiparesis; the second most common clinical manifestation was hemisensory symptoms, which in a few patients involved the face [17...
However, the selection of a safe entry zone requires the surgeon to have in-depth neuroanatomical knowledge of the brainstem and its vascular structures. Yang et al. [44] did an evidence-based analysis of common safe entry zones for brainstem surgeries: for hematoma in the pons, there are ...