纪录片《大卫·埃格曼的脑科学》(The Brain with David Eagleman)是由著名脑科学家大卫·埃格曼主持和参与编剧。这部纪录片深入探讨了大脑的奥秘,包括我们如何感知现实、做出决策以及大脑如何影响我们的行为和身份认同。其中让我印象深刻的是广场消失的方块的实验。同样颜色的方块,放在不同的地方,而我们看到的却是不同...
2015的纪录片,与其说是《深入大脑》,把它当成一个科普片来看,倒不如说这部纪录片更有哲学上的思考,探讨我们应该怎么更好的认识大脑,认识自己,用新的视角重新认识这个世界。6集,分别对应着What Is Reality,What Makes Me,Who's in Control,How do I decide,Why Do I Need You,Who Will We Be。《What Is ...
feel and taste everything. After watching an hour-long documentary of “The Brain with David Eagleman: The Reality” I have learned that our brain is this system that sends signals throughout our body in order for our senses to actually work. For eachsense, the brain works differently and ...
The Brain with David Eagleman: With David Eagleman, Sam Raffal, Matthew Graham Wagner, Cheryl Stell. Six one-hour episodes that tell the story of the inner workings of the brain and take viewers on a visually spectacular journey into why they feel and th
Will we one day be able to control a robot with our thoughts, just as we do our fingers and toes? Why do we dream at night, and what does that have to do with the rotation of the planet? These are just some of the questionsDavid Eaglemananswered when he came to Intelligence Squared...
顶级科学纪录片《深入大脑 The Brain with David Eagleman》,告诉我们如何拥有健康的大脑!#县令语录# http://t.cn/A6cBkwcr
暂无评分 主演: Michael Mosley 制片国家/地区: 英国 年份: 2011 2024-08-23 21:50:40 来自:豆瓣电影 大脑深处 暂无评分 导演: 沈华 主演: 周扬 类型: 纪录片 制片国家/地区: 中国大陆 年份: 2023 2024-08-23 21:47:11 来自:豆瓣电影 深入大脑 The Brain with David Eagleman ...
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The article features American neuroscientist David Eagleman whose project aims to use realtime feedback in brain imaging to reshape how addicts react to something that they dislike. Topics include "The Brain With Dr. David Eagleman" which...
Some came from stories that people told us about ourselves; others were filled in with what we thought must have happened. So if your answer to who you are is based simply on your memories, that makes your identity something of a strange, ongoing, mutable narrative. (查看原文) 落落无尘 ...