But when scientists turned from observing the brains of music listeners to those of musicians, the little backyard fireworks became a jubilee. It turns out that while listening to music engages the brain in some pretty interesting activities, playing music is the brain's equivalent of a full-bod...
But when scientists turned from observing the brains of music listeners to those of musicians, the little backyard fireworks became a jubilee. It turns out that while listening to music engages the brain in some pretty interesting activities, playing music is the brain's equivalent of a full-bod...
1. 本音频来自ted How playing an instrument benefits your brain 2. 听力建议:建议先泛听,再对照原文听,最后再默听 3. 原文素材可以去ted查找也可以后台回复2 领取 2.mp3音频:00:0004:25 ‘成功的花,人们只惊羡于它现时的美丽;而当初的...
How Playing an Instrument Benefits Your Brainmusic
When you listen to music, multiple areas of your brain become engaged and active. But when you actually play an instrument, that activity becomes more like a full-body brain workout. What's going on? Educator Anita Collins explains the fireworks that go ...
Playing an instrument enhances learning and concentration It has been proven in a study that there is a connection between music and the improvement of your brain activity. Neuroplasticity is also known as the ability of the brain to learn and to grow. When you engage yourself actively with mus...
But when scientists turned from observing the brainsof music listeners to those of musicians,the little backyard fireworks became a jubilee.It turns out that while listening to music engages the brainin some pretty interesting activiti...
When I see people playing grand pianos on TV I am in awe at their ability. The piano is unlike any other kind of instrument in terms of sound. It really is incredible to hear someone play it well. Its range of sound is impressive, and a talented musician can bring an audience to tea...
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An injury to the head can be the result of an automobile accident, physical violence, falling, playing sports, or being shot with a firearm. In addition, to direct physical contact, a traumatic injury can also occur as a result of a quick acceleration and deceleration of the head. When ...