Delta waves are characteristic of sleep. There was little delta during the relaxing and meditative tasks, confirming that nondirective meditation is different from sleep. Beta waves occur when the brain is working on goal-oriented tasks, such as planning a date or reflecting actively over a partic...
Classification accuracy varied when more frequency bands were used in the FBCSP pipeline, indicating that the recorded signals possess some discriminative characteristics in both the fast waves (beta, gamma) and the mid-band slow waves (theta, alpha). Table 1 Accuracy of FBCSP-based brain-state ...
The mechanisms that confer cognitive resilience to Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) are not fully understood. Here, we describe a neural circuit mechanism underlying this resilience in a familial AD mouse model. In the prodromal disease stage, interictal epilep
If only you had paid attention to my commands, your peace would have been like a river, your well-being like the waves of the sea. Jeremiah 2:28 Where then are the gods you made for yourselves? Let them come if they can save you when you are in trouble! For you, Judah, have as...
Interbeat intervals (IBIs) measured the time between subsequent R-waves in milliseconds. All-active single-neuron models with motion simulation In this paper, we constructed model neurons and simulated motion for 4 biophysically-realistic human cortical aspiny (AP) neurons and 10 spiny (SP) ...
TheWall Street Journal(January 11, 2011, p. D3) did a round up on the use of electricity and magnets to treat mental ailments. Techniques include use of electricity, magnets, ultrasound, and infrared waves. Mostly they are used for depression, but they show promise, too, “for treating ...
Error bars indicate standard deviation. Pair-wise comparisons between samples of the same tissue type were performed using a two-tailed Student’s t-test. *** p < 0.001. (D) PCA plot of RNA expression data across a developmental timeline for embryonic brain. RNA-Seq data [26] was used ...
as neurofeedback training was conducted as a part of psychological skills training. Nevertheless, it is noteworthy that positive changes were observed in most quotients. However, only the attention quotient yielded a negative result. It was judged that the high theta waves of high school athletes,...
instead of stone, it is impossible to link brain size with technological complexity and fully humancognitivecapabilities. Moreover, in many instances it is impossible to identify assuredly the hominin species that commanded a Paleolithic industry, even when there are associated skeletal remains at the...
Delta waves (~1-3 Hz): → Slowest → Indicate deep sleep → Helpful in a Good Immune System, Natural Healing, Restorative / Deep Sleep → Involved in involuntary bodily functions, such as Digestion and Regulating the Heartbeat → Imbalance leads to brain injuries, learning problems, inability...