Indeed, when Jeanne Fogas bats her eyes, there isn't a hint of her surgery to remove a benign brain tumor a little over a year ago. She wasn't even exactly sure where the incision was made. Behind her right eye she had a 2-centimeter meningioma. It was discovered through a routine ...
Recent developments in the field of organoid technology have yielded substantial improvements in our comprehension of the principles behind human brain development and the etiology of neurological disorders. By combining various technologies, scientists have made significant progress in understanding the evoluti...
This tumor is probably the most common tumor of children. It arises from one of the “junior” cells of the developing brain, called the medulloblastoma. This tumor almost always grows in the middle of the cerebellum (the balance part of the brain, in the back, behind the brainstem). More...
midbrain, region of the developingvertebratebrainthat is composed of the tectum and tegmentum. The midbrain serves important functions in motor movement, particularly movements of theeye, and in auditory and visual processing. It is located within thebrainstemand between the two other developmental ...
The science behind the split-brain syndromeThe corpus callosum connects the left and right hemispheres of the brain and enables communication between them. See all videos for this article split-brain syndrome, condition characterized by a cluster of neurological abnormalities arising from the partial or...
Pineal gland: is located behind the third ventricle. It helps regulate the body’s internal clock and circadian rhythms by secreting melatonin. It has some role in sexual development. Thalamus: serves as a relay station for almost all information that comes and goes to the cortex. It plays a...
This article explains the different unique characteristics of the right and left brain. It explains the brain mapping done at the Mayo Clinic from the procedure to the results. This article also explains brain anatomy and how the right and left brain hav
Brain Tumor A brain tumor can be benign or malignant, primary, or secondary. Causes and risk factors include age, gender, family history, and exposure to chemicals. Symptoms range from headaches, leg and feet numbness to seizures. Treatment is dependant upon the type and location of the brain...
Giertz initially thought the swelling behind her right eye was because of allergies, but tests revealed that she had a golf ball-sized tumor. Although it's not malignant, the size of the tumor means that removal will involve an extensive 8 to 12 hour surgery. ...
The bulbous organ that sits right behind your forehead is a collection of different parts that work together. For example, the two sides of the brain, called hemispheres, perform different tasks. The right hemisphere is responsible for musical and artistic ability and the ability to recognize ...