we decided to avoid comparisons between groups. Instead, we focused on verifying if there were changes in the number of recruited brain regions (or NIRS channels) across stimuli within the groups. We used the nonparametric Wilcoxon Rank Sum test for assessing this difference ...
se der respostas erradas, vai ver quebra-cabeças ligeiramente mais fáceis, para que seja mais provável saber as respostas. Se depois responder corretamente, a dificuldade subirá outra vez... Apesar de o jogador não reparar, o jogo ...
It is necessary to carry out large-sample, multicenter, double-blind randomized controlled clinical trials in the future for the same treatment protocol of a single technology to further test the stability and reliability effects of NIBS. Secondly, the current research on NIBS for stroke is still...