The precise analysis of the CT and in particular the evaluation of the basal cisterns 108 , yields results which are already wellknown 56 , 117 , basically, from post-mortem investigations 39 , 55 , 81 , 137 and clinical findings 98 . However, while these were retrospective analyses and ...
Early diagnosis depends on appreciation of displacement of the fourth ventricle and compression and distortion of the cisterns. The use of diagnostic studies and surgical and therapeutic results in the 24 cases are compared to 45 such cases diagnosed prior to the use of CT. 展开 ...
1 Diffuse injury (DI) I No visible intracranial pathological changes seen on CT 2 Diffuse injury II Cisterns are present with midline shift of 0–5 mm and/or: Lesions densities present; No high or mixed density lesion >25 cm3 may include bone fragments and foreign bodiesa 3 Diffuse injury...
Ventricles and Cisterns. St. Louis: CV Mosby, 1978:3303–3362. Google Scholar Strand RD, Barnes PD, Poussaint TY, Estroff JA, Burrows PE. Cystic retrocerebellar malformations: unification of the Dandy-Walker complex and the Blake’s pouch cyst. Pediatr Radiol 1993;23:258–260. Article ...
Kinking of the aqueduct and compressive obliteration of the basal cisterns related to the small cranial base (basis cranii) have also been identified. Sign in to download full-size image Fig. 36.3. Coronal T2 sequence magnetic resonance image showing prominent subarachnoid fluid, mild enlargement ...
Under BEx perfusate conditions, most oligodendrocytes have normal ultrastructure with numerous cisterns of rough endoplasmic reticulum (rer), and mitochondria have electron-dense matrix and many cristae. Overall, myelinated axons (MA) show similar morphology across all experimental groups. Boxed areas ...
- CT crescent shaped pathophysiology of subarachnoid hemorrhage - disruption of small pial vessels- commonly occurs in:a. sylvian fissureb. interpeduncular cisterns- bleeding due to trauma- ruptured aneurysm or AV malformation- rapid time course- blood in sulci presentation of subarachnoid hemorrhage ...
(cobblestone) cortical surface, disorganized cortex, thin cerebral mantle with lack of white matter and ventriculomegaly, absence of the commissures; the underdeveloped brainstem often has a Z shape; and the cerebellum is hypoplastic with correspondingly huge posterior fossa cisterns (Raybaud, 2010)....
Anterior basal, posterior cerebellar and lateral cisterns are involved and even sagittal scissura can be involved when the gyrus cynguli is invaded. When tumor cells invade the underlying cortex, this shows a remarkably intense gliosis. Also spreading in the ventricular system is frequent: tumor...
The CT characteristics of diffuse brain swelling were found in 9 patients. Conclusion: Seen on initial CT scan, three important factors predict development of intracranial hypertension: abnormal mesencephalic cisterns, midline shift, and subarachnoid hemorrhage. The type of diffuse brain injury seen on...