Brain Science Advances (BSA) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal which publishes original research articles, review articles and case reports on all aspects of brain sciences with a focus on molecular and cellular neuroscience, clinical neuroscience, and neural engineering across ...
Brain Science Advances (BSA) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal which publishes original research articles, review articles and case reports on all aspects of brain sciences with a focus on molecular and cellular neuroscience, clinical neuroscience, and neural engineering across ...
ペイシー, ジョン, エイ-《Brain Science Advances》 被引量:0发表:2016 Development of skull base neurosurgery: From the past to the future P Liu-《Brain Science Advances》 被引量:0发表:2016 Bypass surgery for ischemic stroke caused by intracranial artery stenosis or occlusion Ismatullah,Soufian...
Brain Science AdvancesOpen AccessEditor-in-Chief: Yuqi Zhang Keyword:Alzheimer’s disease Research Article|Open Access Plasma neurofilament light as a longitudinal biomarker of neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s disease Ya-Nan Ou, Hao Hu, Zuo-Teng Wang,[...],Jin-Tai Yu ...
由《Brain Science Advances》杂志编委会主办的2021年度国内编委会暨小儿脑肿瘤综合治疗学术会议将于2021年4月17日在江苏省徐州市举办。欢迎各位专家莅临! 《Brain Science Advances》(主编张玉琪)是教育部主管、清华大学主办的英文科技期刊,入选《2020中国医药卫生核心期刊目录》,涵盖神经科学脑科学基础与临床。大会邀请...
Advances in brain organoid methods. Human stem cell/pluripotent stem cells can be differentiated in self-organizing 3D cultures to derive unguided neural organoids (cerebral organoids) or brain region-specific organoids resembling various regions of the nervous system. Brain region-specific organoids ...
热烈祝贺华山医院手外科徐文东教授团队于8月31日在Science子刊Science Advances(IF = 14.957)在线发表论文“ Crossing nerve transfer drives sensory input–dependent plasticity for motor recovery after brain injury ” (《左右颈七交叉移位术能够驱动大脑产生感觉依赖的可塑性变化,促进脑损伤后运动功能恢复》)。论文...
if applicable, a 10-fold CV was performed for a grid search for hyperparameter tuning of the machine learning models. In addition, we concealed an independent test dataset—unseen for testing until we finished fine-tuning the machine learning models82(e.g., hyperparameters for SVR). To compar...
Brain-X的初期目标:发展成为一本交叉科学领域有较高影响力(IF在10~15之间)的国际化期刊。 2023~2025年,Brain-X不收取费用;投稿阶段,采用自由投稿(Free Format submission),待接受后,再统一调整格式。 02 期刊官网 期刊官网首页,主要包括:HOME、ABOUT、CONTRIBUTE、BROWSE等四大部分。其中,CONTRIBUTE栏目下有Author Gu...
《神经科学(英文)》(Brain Science Advances)(季刊),创刊于2015年,2018年改为现刊名,由教育部主管,清华大学主办,清华大学出版社出版,国际出版集团SAGE合作发行,知网收录。以专题的形式展现国内外神经基础科学、临床神经科学以及神经工程领域最新热点研究成果。