“’Brain rot’ speaks to one of the perceived dangers of virtual life, and how we are using our free time,” said Casper Grathwohl, president of Oxford Languages, in Monday’s announcement. “I also find it fascinating that the word ‘brain ...
‘Brain rot’ named Oxford Word of the Year 2024 Following a public vote in which more than 37,000 people had their say, we’re pleased to announce that the Oxford Word of the Year for 2024 is ‘brain rot’.Our language expert...
Dad attempting brainrot words😹 @sdiezzel ♬ original sound - txunamy ⤑ While some find the brainrot word list trend hilarious, others don’t quite see the humor in it. Maybe that’s because it’s not their parent reading the words!
Our language experts created a shortlist of six words to reflect the moods and conversations that have helped shape the past year. After two weeks of public voting and widespread conversation, our experts came together to consider the public’s input, voting results, and our language data, befo...
eg:Don't talk such rot! 别说废话! 作动词表示to decay, or make sth decay, naturally and gradually (使)腐烂,腐败变质 eg:rotting leaves 渐渐腐烂的叶子 Our language experts created a shortlist of six words to reflect the moods and conversations that have helped shape the past year. After two...
‘Brain rot’ named Oxford Word of the Year 2024 Following a public vote in which more than 37,000 people had their say, we’re pleased to announce that the Oxford Word of the Year for 2024 is ‘brain rot’. Our language experts created a shortlist of six words to reflect the moods...
The phrase "brain rot" has been named the Oxford Word of the Year for 2024, following weeks of public voting and vibrant discussions. More than 37,000 participants cast their votes to select the winner from a shortlist of six words compiled by Oxford University Press, or OUP, the publisher...
“Brainrot”,由brain(大脑)和rot(腐烂)组成的合成词,用以形容过度浏览网上低质量内容所造成的精神负面影响。 “Era”,时代,这个词之所以入选,主要得益于泰勒· 斯威夫特耗资10亿美元的“时代”巡回演唱会,该演唱会将于2024年底结束。 “Looksmaxxing”,外貌吸引力最大化,侧重指男性改变自己外貌的过程,又分为“sof...
“大脑腐蚀” (Brain rot) 被牛津词典选为2024年度词汇,它指的是因过度消费低质量或缺乏挑战性的内容而导致的智力退化。这个词语在社交媒体时代获得了新的含义,并被用来表达人们对过度消费低质量在线内容,尤其是社交媒体内容的担忧。该词语的使用频率在2023年至2024年间增长了230%。 “大脑腐蚀”反映了人们对虚拟...
The term "brain rot" has been announced as Oxford's word of the year for 2024. This reflects growing concerns about excessive social media use and the effects of mindless online content.More than 17,000 people voted to elect the winner from a shortlist of six words. 1___(include) by ...