Near-Death Experiences and Conscious Brain Activity After Clinical Death Now Grounded In Science - Waking Timesfeaturedneardeath experiencesscience of spirit
Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Supplementary information Supplementary information Glossary Delayed neuronal death Morphological and histological features associated with neuronal cell damage and death that become apparent multiple...
Another mechanism leading to reduced CSF methionine may be its incorporation into proteins, since it is essential for the initiation of protein and nucleic acid synthesis and its active form, S-AdenosylMethionine (SAME), is the most important methyl donor in the body. Methylation processes via ...
The initial trauma to the brain that kills or damagesnerve cellsis only the first step in a drawn-out and complex cascade of events that cause further cell death. Immediately after a traumatic brain injury, cells at or close to the site of injury are mortallywounded, while others farther ...
The role of Ifi27l2a, an interferon-induced gene, remains poorly understood in diseased brains. Here, authors show age and stroke-dependent upregulation of Ifi27l2a in microglia, and that reduction of Ifi27l2a leads to reduced brain injury and functional deficits after ischemic stroke. Gab Seok...
Brain death, also commonly referred to as death by neurologic criteria, has been considered a legal definition of death for decades. Its determination involves many considerations and subtleties. In this review, we discuss the philosophy and history of b
No. Neuron-specific enolase and the glialprotein S100are the most studied. Neither marker is used forbrain deathdetermination. Clinical examination remains paramount. In cases where brain death is not being considered, serum markers may aid in determining prognosis after hypoxicischemic injury. ...
The effect of the altered expression of these genes in astrocytes still remains unclear, but it may affect various intracellular signalling pathways. 5.2. Interactions between astrocytes and Aβ In AD brains at early stages of the pathology, activated reactive astrocytes are predominant in the ...
摘要: The authors examine trends in donation after cardiac death (DCD) and donation after brain death (DBD) to assess whether expansion of the donor pool by augmenting DCD has occurred to the detriment of DBD. See brief communication by Saidi et al on page 2536....
However, how these results can translate to human remains uncertain. Data from human trials, the vast majority of which being retrospective and presenting numerous confounding factors related to patient comorbidities, duration and surgery type, and environmental factors, are mixed, some of them showing...