2. 为什么《Brain Quest》是幼儿启蒙教材的最优选择?作为北美最畅销的教育类产品,《Brain Quest》每年全球销量超过4500万册,无论在北美还是亚洲,欧洲还是澳洲,都受到了众多家长的追捧,好评如潮。正如Workman出版社在其官网上所说,“45 Million Brain Quest Kids Can’t Be Wrong!(4500万孩子都在用Brain Que...
Announcing the relaunch of Brain Quest , America’s #1 educational bestseller with over 23.7 million copies in print. Featuring a complete updating of the content and an eye-catching, brainy-retro new look, this is a dazzling makeover, inside and out. For kids, it’s fun unplugged. For ...
此外,全书还包括上百张小粘纸、以及可以打开的大海报(比如5-6岁这本是一个帮助孩子学会认识时间的大钟海报)、一张父母可以颁给孩子的完成证书。 [说明一下前天我们推广的猫头鹰savile安全座椅,很多亲双11跑去天猫店不知掉该怎么用iKids特惠价。只要...
For kids, it’s fun unplugged. For parents, it’s the easiest, most trusted way to know if their children are keeping pace. Assisting in the relaunch is an advisory panel of ten of America’s top educators, each of them winners of Teacher of the Year or Milken National Educator Awards...
Brain Quest: Happy National Grammar Day! Here’s a Brain Quest grammar activity for your little one to enjoy! Hey batter, batter, swing! Time to step up to the plate this National Grammar Day and practice… March 2, 2023 By Workman Publishing Family & Home/ Kids/ Workman Brain Quest...
Brain Quest is beloved by kids, trusted by parents, used and recommended by teachers. It's the curriculum-based, fast-paced, question-and-answer game that challenges kids on the stuff they need to know, when they need to know it. It's the brand that says "It's fun to be smart!" ...
“Anybody in any family could be using BrainWorx. This needs to be in every single school system.I can’t wait to tell my friends, because I have so many friends whose kids are on ADHD medication.This is something they need to do.” ...
Summer Brain Quest: Between Grades K & 1begins with a map that guides kids through a workbook filled with activities based on phonics, reading, writing, counting, shapes, seasons, habitats, map skills, and more. Buy the Book Indiebound|B&N|Amazon|Workman ...
For kids, it’s fun unplugged. For parents, it’s the easiest, most trusted way to know if their children are keeping pace. Assisting in the relaunch is an advisory panel of ten of America’s top educators, each of them winners of Teacher of the Year or Milken National Educator Awards...