Not being able to exercise for whatever reason is, for most of us, a good excuse to sit on the couch and watch some telly, guilt-free.But for an exercise addict, being unable to exercise is devastating.Psychologists have suggested that a gruelling training regime can be used by addicts t...
From the fight against alcoholism to 'addictology': shifting the paradigm gives rise to the 'Addictions Management Policy' in France Of course, the majority of harmful use does not correspond in the strict sense of the term with an addiction conceived of as a 'brain disease'. ... M Reyna...
However, because transcranial electrical stimulation requires a current of several hundred volts, transcranial electrical stimulation was largely replaced by TMS, which uses magnetic pulse to induce an electrical current in the brain. TDCS delivers a very low intensity electrical current (1–2 mA), ...
Localized stimulation of the human brain to treat neuropsychiatric disorders has been in place for over 20 years. Although these methods have been used to a greater extent for mood and movement disorders, recent work has explored brain stimulation method
The Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) defines trauma as “an event or events that involved actual or threatened death, serious injury or sexual violation to the self or a close other.” However, this definition does not necessarily specify the features that make a sexual...
In recent years, the conceptualization of addiction as a brain disease has come under increasing criticism. When first put forward, the brain disease view was mainly an attempt to articulate an effective response to prevailing nonscientific, moralizing, and stigmatizing attitudes to addiction. Accord...
The brain's conscious control centers atrophy, as the addict chases pornography consumption impulses and does whatever he needs to do to satisfy them 25% of young men (and around 10% of young women) are addicted to the Internet and/or addicted to porn ...
A growing field of research aims to examine the potential overlap between the characteristics and underlying mechanisms of drug addiction and obesity. Here, Fletcher and colleagues argue that there is not yet sufficient evidence to support a 'food addict
An Addiction Is Born The early stages of addiction are characterized by tolerance and dependence. After a drug binge, an addict needs more of the substance to get the same effect on mood or concentration and so on. This tolerance then provokes an escalation of drug use that engenders dependenc...
s population afflicted. Great controversy exists whether obesity can be regarded as an addictive disorder or not. Recently the Yale Food Addiction Scale questionnaire has been developed as a tool to identify individuals with traits of addiction towards food. Using clinical and source localized EEG ...