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derived magnetization prepared-rapid GRE and double inversion recovery images. The entire set of multicontrast images were acquired in 4 minutes; with further calibrations and use of the full gradient coil performance, the data
An magnetic resonance scan (MRI) of the primary site of concern (with and without intravenous contrast) is best for extremity sarcoma, whereas computed tomography (CT) scan has long been advocated as an appropriate choice in chest wall and retroperitoneal sarcoma investigation. MRI of the chest ...
functional MRI (fMRI), diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), and positron emission tomography (PET), enable noninvasive detection of brain degeneration from the perspective of brain structure and function. SMRI can provide accurate in vivo quantification of specific regions with cortical and ...
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as a clinical investigation became available in the early 1980s. Since then this method has proven to be a valuable additional diagnostic tool in the recognition and delineation of space-occupying lesions of the brain (1, 2, 3, 5). In the present study the...
In contrast, neither length nor weight of all infants were smaller than the CDC averages of healthy infants. Clinical and MRI Characteristics of Longitudinal and Partial HC Data Groups To further determine whether those infants who had their head frequently measured by their pediatrician differed ...
Dynamic susceptibility contrast and ASL are examples of MRI acquisitions that yield perfusion-weighted images; the former relies on an exogenous gadolinium contrast agent, whereas the latter uses magnetically labeled arterial blood water that is proximal to the imaging volume to label blood and produces...
The WMH volume did not differ by MRI field strength (between 3-T and 4-T scans; P = .20).VBI RELATIONSHIP WITH PiB Presence of an infarct did not increase the likelihood that an individual was PiB-positive (P = .26 [Figure]). Dividing participants by cognitive status (CDR = 0 vs ...
While conventional MRI has been widely adopted for examining pediatric high-grade brain tumors clinically, accurate neuroimaging detection and differentiation of tumor histopathology for improved diagnosis, surgical planning, and treatment evaluation, remains an unmet need in their clinical management. We ...
56). In contrast with the previous literature, which reported hippocampal activity in response to salience25,42,57, we did not find any activity in the hippocampus, neither in a group difference nor in a healthy volunteers separately. It is possible that signal in this region may not have ...