预处理后的功能MRI数据重新采样到6×6×6mm3,并用静息态网络图谱、哈佛-牛津皮层下图谱定义基底神经节和MTL区域的灰质mask。Fisher Z变换后的Pearson相关系数作为功能连接的测度。Aβ- CU对照中MTL-新皮层的连接特征 为了确定与MTL ROI有强功能连接的皮层脑区,研究者使用了155名Aβ- CU个体的独立样本(平均年龄=...
Temporal lobe abnormalities on brain MRI in healthy volunteers: a prospective case-control study - Labate, Gambardella, et al. - 2010 () Citation Context ...roportion of patients. In addition, when we take any of these two findings isolated, there is a higher chance of false positives for...
本研究通过结合 T1 加权和 T2 加权MRI,首次在体内研究癫痫患者髓鞘相关的微观结构特征,提供了一种新的工作流程。mSCN 的失连接表明 TLE 是一种在脑区和网络层面上存在广泛失连接的系统紊乱疾病。 Keywords:hippocampus, magnetic re...
Diencephalon including the thalamus, the pulvinar nuclei, the habenula, the pineal gland, the infundibulum (formerly the pituitary stalk) and the neurohypophysis (the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland not forming part of the central nervous system). Figure 8 - Anatomy of the brain (MRI) Ce...
A Case of Apert Syndrome: Early Detection of Temporal Lobe Abnormalities and Scalp Cyst in Fetal Brain MRI Introduction: Apert Syndrome is one of the severe forms of craniosynostosis syndromes. Here we present the first case of 20 weeks fetus with temporal lobe ... AR Tahmasebpour,B Moradi,MA...
brain MRI scans. To illustrate this, AD1 and AD2 distill the neuroanatomical heterogeneity of Alzheimer’s disease into two distinct imaging patterns: AD1 represents a widespread brain atrophy pattern, while AD2 exhibits a focal atrophy pattern in the medial temporal lobe4. These subtypes, in ...
et al. Type 2 diabetes and atrophy of medial temporal lobe structures on brain MRI. Diabetologia 46, 1604–1610 (2003). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Gold, S. M. et al. Hippocampal damage and memory impairments as possible early brain complications of type 2 diabetes. Diabetologia 50...
A fetal brain MRI anatomical score based on evaluation of gyration, opercularization, temporal lobe symmetry, parenchymal lamination, hippocampal position, basal ganglia, and ventricular size has recently been developed to improve prognostication of postnatal neurodevelopmental outcome [75]. 6. Malformations...
They will most likely use an MRI, which is the best imaging test to identify a brain tumor, but they may use a CT scan if you can't have an MRI for some reason. You will likely need to be injected with a contrast agent before your test. This makes the tumor easier to see. ...
【背景】内侧颞叶(medial temporal lobe, MTL)与情景记忆密切相关,它易受阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease, AD)病理的影响。MTL由海马和海马旁回附近的亚结构组成。海马旁回和海马都可以分为前部和后部,其中,海马旁回前部包括嗅周和内嗅皮层,后部包括海马旁皮层。MTL自身内部以及其与皮层和皮层下脑区紧密相连...