MRI and multinuclear MR spectroscopy of 3,200-year-old Egyptian mummy brain. Am. J. Roentgenol. 189, W105-W110.S.J. Karlik, R. Bartha, K. Kennedy, R. Chhem, MRI and multinuclear MR spectroscopy of 3200-year-old Egyptian mummy brain, AJR Am. J. Roentgenol. 189 (2007) W105-W110...
The amazing research done with Brain Products equipment continues to consistently impress us. In fact, we love seeing our hardware and software being used to make great neuroscientific discoveries. This is why we are always on the lookout for the latest articles published by our customers. As a...
Those infants were monitored for further follow-up assessments at one year, and two years, and the final assessment was made at two years of age. Those high-risk subjects were split into two groups: ASD negative (below the ASD cutoff) and ASD-positive (above the cutoff). Dw-MRI brain ...
Here, we demonstrate that these convergent advances now enable the generation of brain charts that (1) robustly define normative processes of sex-stratified, age-related change in multiple MRI-derived phenotypes; (2) identify previously unreported brain growth milestones; (3) increase sensitivity to ...
participants completed functional and structural runs in the MRI scanner. While the functional MRI also involved exposing participants to socio-affective stimuli, in this report we focused on the structural data, as brain reserve typically refers to the possession of neuroanatomic resource14, a ...
在当今医学研究领域,评估大脑健康和认知能力的生物指标成为了一个亟待关注的话题。瑞典卡罗林斯卡医学院的科学家们在《Alzheimers & Dementia》期刊上发布了一项新研究,名字为“Biological brain age and resilience in cognitively unimpaired 70-year-old individuals”。这项研究深入探讨了大脑年龄差距(Brain Age Gap,BAG...
Beijing Key Laboratory of Rehabilitation Technical Aids for Old-Age Disability, Key Laboratory of Neuro-Functional Information and Rehabilitation Engineering of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, National Research Center for Rehabilitation Technical Aids, Beijing 100176, China 3 Engineering Research Center of In...
Imaging studies, such as a computed tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of your brain. They will most likely use an MRI, which is the best imaging test to identify a brain tumor, but they may use a CT scan if you can't have an MRI for some reason. You will ...
Fig. 11.24Fused lips schizencephaly, 3-year-old patient. (a) Axial CT scan; (b) MR at 0.5 T, coronal SE T1 weighted image, 500/20/2. Both CT and MR adequately depict the presence of cortex bordering the cleft. A dimple along the lateral wall of the right lateral ventricle is visi...
A working upper width limit of 3 mm is widely used to discriminate perivascular spaces from small lacunes [5], but, for example, it is well recognized that perivascular spaces of larger width are sometimes seen in the substantia innominata. Radiopathological correlation studies show that MRI ...