This Clinical Policy Bulletin addresses quantitative EEG (brain mapping). Medical Necessity Aetna considers the use of quantitative EEG (brain mapping), also known as BEAM (Brain Electrical Activity Mapping), medically necessary only as an adjunct to traditional EEG foranyof the following: For ambula...
Data was processed on King’s College London HPC infrastructure Rosalind (, with the standard recon-all procedure, consisting of motion correction, skull-stripping, affine registration to Talairach atlas, segmentation, smoothing, and parcellation mapping. In order to ...
Functional brain electrical activity mapping during the AX version of the continuous performance task (CPT) in schizophreniaWe report changes in the steady state visually evoked potential (SSVEP) topography associated with high and low task performance levels in the continuous performance task (CPT) in...
Each value encodes the state of the eGUI at the time mapping to the corresponding EEG data sample in the "data" array at the same time- index location. The marker codes from 1 to 6 encode the visual stimuli directing the participants to implement given mental imageries in the order 1: "...
The “marker” field contains the recording sessions’ interaction record. This record is in the form of 1D Matlab array of size nSx1, which contains integer values from 0 to 99. Each value encodes the state of the eGUI at the time mapping to the corresponding EEG data sample in the “...