Spinal Cord & Brain Injury Resource Center. Learn about catastrophic injuries, locate treatment facilities, find support, talk to someone you can trust.
Centre for Neuro Skills specializes in advanced brain injury rehabilitation. We offer specialized traumatic brain injury treatment to each of our patients.
資源中心(Brain Injury Resource Center),一個 基於電腦的互動式多媒體資源中心,1997 年。 神經疾病和中風國立研究院(National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke),1989 年 2 月, Inter-Agency Head Injury Task Force Report, Bethesda, MD. ...
informationthatwouldberelevanttopeoplewithbraininjuryandfamilymembersof peoplelivingwithbraininjury.Ifyouareusinganelectronicversionofthisdocument, simplyconnecttotheInternetandclickononeofthebluelinksbelowforthepageyou wishtoview.Ifyouhaveapaperversionofthisresource,typetheweb“address”inyour ...
(TraumaticBrainInjury) 定义 创伤性脑损伤,也称为脑损伤或头部损伤,是由 外伤引起的脑组织损害。脑损伤有两种类型: 闭合性脑损伤是由于运动中的头部遭到急 停,如撞到挡风玻璃或被钝物撞击,致使颅 骨内的脑髓拍击坚硬的骨质层。头部未受到 直接外伤,但在头部快速前后运动时也会发 生闭合性脑损伤。例如颈部过度...
The Center for Outcome Measurement in Brain Injury (COMBI): An Internet resource you should know about. J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2000;15:734-738.Wright, J. The FIMTM. The center for outcome measurements in brain injury. http://www.tbims.org/combi/FIM. Accessed October 15, 2009...
Comparison of different osmotic therapies in a mouse model of traumatic brain injury.比较不同的渗透疗法在创伤性脑损伤的小鼠模型 热度: mild traumatic brain injury in translation(轻度颅脑损伤的翻译) 热度: AnneMcDonnell,OTR/LAnneMcDonnell,OTR/L ...
Living with Brain Injury is an information center and a source of inspiration for those with an injured brain, and for their caregivers, families and friends. Our brain is the most essential part of us controlling everything our body does. An injured brain can cause problems with any function...
Systematic review of the prognosis after mild traumatic brain injury in adults: cognitive, psychiatric, and mortality outcomes: results of the International Collaboration on Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Prognosis. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2014;95(3)(suppl):S152-S173. doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2013.08....
be aware. This webpage is written for those who wait. We also hope that it will become a resource for the medical professionals. Those professionals need to learn as much about "the waiting", what the families are going thru, as the families are now forced to learn about brain injury. ...