Hemiparesis Living Guide – Care, Rehabilitation Recovery, Safety Stroke Exercises for Leg from Flint Rehab FREE SAFETY CHECKLISTHome » Articles » Brain Injury RehabilitationCategory Archives: Brain Injury RehabilitationAfter a Stroke or TBI, Exercise Ongoing After Therapy Services – What Can Be Ex...
brain injury rehab centers can help the injured individual to stay awake and alert and focused. Brain injury rehab centers have qualified specialists that can provide therapy and brain exercises that help people to focus attention on one subject when it may otherwise be difficult to maintain a spe...
A brain injury can be a life-changing event, in ways both big and small. There are many different causes of brain injuries, which include not only concussions and traumatic brain injuries, but also events such as a stroke. Depending on the severity of the brain injury and where in the br...
Get easy-to-read daily articles and educational material on brain injury recovery, stroke rehab, behavioral health, lifestyle, nutrition, mindfulness, and more. 3. Comprehensive video exercises Maximize your stroke recovery with daily video tutorials and professional exercise demonstrations. ...
Resilience After a Brain Injury By Dr. Shane Steadman, DC, DACNB, DCBCN, CNS Recovery after a brain injury can be a long journey. Working hard and hoping to get back to baseline often can be frustrating, and for some, unattainable. With the many doctor visits, exercises, rehab appointment...
As it turns out, life does not stop when one is diagnosed with a brain tumor (or any other illness/injury for that matter). Utility bills, car payments, rent or mortgage, medical expenses, these all continue needing to be paid. Groceries, prescriptions, and gas for the car all still ne...
More recently, a trial project – the Positive PsychoTherapy in ABI Rehab(PoPsTAR)programme – put this idea into practice. The researchers incorporated therapeutic exercises based on positive psychology methods, such as setting realistic goals and focusing on positive events, with a rehabilitation progr...
Targeted rehab and hard effort are essential to maximizing all of this. That's what's behind "constraint-induced therapy" in which the patient's good limb is restrained, forcing use of the weak one - and driving neuroplasticity. It's also the basis for aggressive speech therapy, and the ...
4. How did your brain injury occur? Each morning before showering, I would do Tai Chi warmup exercises and calisthenics. One day, my brain hemorrhaged on my 13thchin-up. 5. When did you (or someone) first realize you had a problem?
et al.. (2016). Long-term exercise improves memory deficits via restoration of myelin and microvessel damage, and enhancement of neurogenesis in the aged gerbil hippocampus after ischemic stroke.Neurorehabil. Neural Repair.30: 894–905,https://doi.org/10.1177/1545968316638444.Search in Google Schol...