JUNAKOVI, ALISAKOPI, JANJARad Hrvatske Akademije Znanosti i Umjetnosti. Medicinske Znanosti
张力,博士、暨南大学粤港澳中枢神经再生研究院副研究员、独立课题组长 (PI)、博士生导师。2009年毕业于香港大学生物科学专业,获理学学士学位 (一级荣誉优秀毕业生);2014年获香港大学生物科学学院博士学位;2014年7月进入暨南大学。他目前主要研究的领域为皮层神经可塑性
Brain Awareness Week activities of neuroscience Society of Turkey - 2019 Anatomy: International Journal of Experimental & Clinical Anatomyengül, Gülgün
can alienate friends because the friends just don’t get it. Because brain injury has damaged parts of their brains, brain-injured survivors are usually not the same person they were before their injury. After all, they’ve looked death in the face and pushed it aside. ...
NEW YORK-- For National Brain Awareness Week, Mount Sinai scientists and surgeons are revealing their research to the public and encouraging Harlem kids to join them in their studies at the 12th Annual Brain Fair.The event is part of Mount Sinai's ongoing efforts to diversify the medical field...
self-awareness self-consciousness brain 2 of 2 verb as in to skull Synonyms & Similar Words skull bean conk cane spear club sap stab switch cudgel slash cream flail knee deck lash whip sledge floor butt thrash kick bump stroke sledgehammer push level...
Western Australia Armstrong E, Coffin J, Hersh D, Katzenellenbogen J, Thompson S, Flicker L, et al. Healing Right Way: Study protocol for a randomised control trial to enhance rehabilitation services and improve quality of life in Aboriginal Australians after brain injury. BMJ Open. 2021;11:e...
The CICI is an individualized, goal-oriented and home-based tele-rehabilitation intervention which targets everyday functioning of children (6–16 years) with acquired brain injury in the chronic stage, and their families, one year or more after insult, who have ongoing challenges (physical, ...
when a week to celebrate the brain presents itself, unlike all the nonsensical days created to celebrate random things, it should be paid a bit more heed. brain awareness week is this week, and it's something we should be not be ignoring. rather, we should be paying as much attention ...
Article30 January 2023 Introduction Acquired brain injury is common in the perinatal period. Many extremely and very preterm infants have injury-related long-term neurodevelopmental problems.1Extremes and fluctuations in brain perfusion have been linked to germinal matrix hemorrhage, intraventricular hemorrhag...