get the blood flowing, and allow their minds to take a break. These super cute, fun, and free printablebrain breaks for kidsare a great way to balance the need preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade kids have to move with their need to sit still and ...
She is ready to start Kindergarten this coming fall due to her progress in the program. Our family life at home is 1000% better as she is able to better understand the world around her at an appropriate age. Life in our household was very difficult prior to this program and we are ...
PlayThe Easter Bunny Saysinstead of Simon Says. Read a series of commands using the opening phrase “The Easter Bunny says…” Periodically, omit the phrase. If children do something without the Easter bunny telling them to, they’re out. Kids LOVE this fun Easter brain break. Would you li...
Winter Gross Motor Dice for Brain Break Activities for Kids is a ready-made indoor activity for kids when we just can’t send them out. It’s easy to prep (print/cut/go), and will get ALL those wiggles out in a safe (no running or jumping) way that works in the smallest of space...
There are roughly twenty-five days of summer left for A-bear. Once they’re gone, he’s going to Kindergarten. This is a big new experience for our little guy, and so I’ve been examining our options. The duel questions — how can encourage him to be excited in anticipation of this...
Discover how brain starvation might be affecting your son's behavior and learn how proper nutrition can help. Explore the unique nutritional needs of boys and practical solutions to address behavioral issues through diet.
Riddle:I have a little house in which I live all alone. It has no doors or windows, and if I want to go out I must break through the wall. What am I? I Am A Word Of Six; My First Three Letters Refer To An Automobile
The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the Lord and against his anointed, saying, “Let us break their chains and throw off their shackles.” The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them. He rebukes them in his anger and terrifies them in ...
A kindergartener suggests that it may be a tumor. Schwarzenegger says, in his thick Austrian accent: “It’s not a tumower.” One day, out of the blue, Pat tells me and the girls, with a smile on her face: “It is a tumower.” And for 30 years, I’ve tried to get her to...
Today we met with the school principal, the school psychologist, student coordinator, and my 6-year old’s new first grade teacher to discuss his assessment from last year when he was in Kindergarten. He had a really hard time sitting still, and was a disruption to the class most days. ...