One of the strongest applications of research in psychology, neuroscience, and cognitive science is brain-based learning. It allows us to leverage research on how the brain learns in creating a new set of guiding principles for learning, teaching, training, and education. What you'll find here ...
The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of brain-based learning approach on attitudes and motivation levels in 8th grade students' science classes. The main reason for examining attitudes and motivation levels, the effect of the short-term motivation, attitude shows the long-term ...
Reading Mastery: Where Pedagogy Meets the Science of Reading The science of reading shows that an important way to develop reading fluency is reading out loud. Here's why. 1 2 3 Next » Categories Achievement Gap Alabama Arizona Assessments Behavior Brain-Based Learning California ...
Learner is the pivot of teaching learning process. Achievement of a learner fairly depends on the teaching strategies employed in the classroom. This paper reviews the effect of Brain based instructional strategies on achievement and self esteem of science students. The empirical results show that the...
Therefore, in teaching practice, teachers should provide students with a suitable learning environment and pay attention to students' abilities to observe, think and solve problems. At the same time, considering the importance of the theoretical brain science research, brain science education should ...
A physics/chemistry teacher examined how brain-based learning environments could produce better learning conditions for students. He used thematic teaching, enriched language, naturally complex, long-term design and construction projects, and multifaceted assessment tools. The one-year curriculum indicated ...
Brain-based learning involves a strategy that incorporates different learning styles and active learning techniques to enhance student engagement and achievement. The primary purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of higher education faculty knowledge, beliefs, and practices within a brain-...
It is quite logical to examine the teaching learning process in context of I.F. So, the study was conducted to investigate effectiveness of the I.F. of human brain in the subject of mathematics. The Brain-based Learning theory consists of 12 principles related to I.F of brain. A pre-...
Education World has published other articles and lessons on brain-based teaching and learning. They include:Use It or Lose It: Puzzles to Exercise the Brain Do your students' brains seem little lazy lately? Energize them with some brainteasers -- problems and puzzles that will get the neurons...
Computer in the Universe Man still has a lot to learn about the most powerful and complex part of his body -- the brain.In ancient times men did not think that the brain was the centre of mental activity. Aristotle the philosopher of ancient Greece thought that the mind was based in the...