Controls our balance through the cerebellum and its own spinal tract Tracks movement through space using grid and place cells to give us our sense of direction (see drone IMU) It stabilizes our vision as we move by firing the eye muscles to keep the eye from shaking (see camera gimbal) Ke...
Because SNNs achieve a balance between performance and efficiency, we mainly compared the proposed model with other advanced spike-based models. In image classification tasks, the HP SNN achieves higher accuracies compared with other published work. In sequential learning tasks, the HP SNN improves ...
Whole-brain genome editing to correct single-base mutations and reduce or reverse behavioral changes in animal models of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has not yet been achieved. We developed an apolipoprotein B messenger RNA-editing enzyme, catalytic po
Which you know I'm always looking for more balance, right? I know you guys probably are too. This is pre-diluted with Fractionated Coconut Oil. It’s super simple and convenient and easy to use. I love to just take my InTune after I prepare my diffuser for the day. I'll take ...
Not wanting to leave my happy place, my new friends or my chance at healing what I hate the most about me. But my hope was huge now. My hope was bigger than the fear. A balance that I tried to achieve for 12 years happened in just a few months. During my break, I began to ...
It remained unclear how to achieve the balance of efficacy and toxicity with the application of new radiotherapy techniques and new targeted therapy drugs. This article reviews the benefits and potential risk of combining radiotherapy and targeted therapy for HER2-positive breast cancer with brain ...
Because of all the new sites, destinations, environments, crowded areas, the fields I’ve walked on my, my brain is working overtime. I’m constantly assessing the ground I’m walking on, so I keep my balance & don’t fall over. Making sure that people give me room to move or just...
2018c) by employing several statistical information criteria which balance the goodness of fit and model complexity (rAR, rREST-SLF, rREST-ILF, rREST-ALF). The results of this evaluation for the 89 subjects of the Cuban Human Brain Mapping database (Hernandez-Gonzalez et al. 2011) are ...
As such, treatment strategies must be designed with this very precarious balance in mind. STAR★Methods Key Resources Table REAGENT or RESOURCESOURCEIDENTIFIER Antibodies Ly6G (clone: 1A8) Biolegend Cat. # 127609; RRID: AB_1134162 F480 (clone BM8) Ebioscience Cat. # 47-4801-82; RRID: AB_...
Briefly in the following, we describe how whole-brain models aim to obtain a balance between complexity and realism to describe the most important features of the brain in vivo124. This balance is extremely difficult to achieve because of the astronomical number of neurons and the underspecified ...